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  3. Import Supplier Information from a Text File or Database

Import Supplier Information from a Text File or Database

When importing data from a text file, if the data contains commas, the file should be saved as a tab-delimited file, not a csv, or you will encounter errors.

Quotes should not be present in text files, regardless of whether it is a csv or tab-delimited file, or you will encounter errors.

  1. Go to Main Menu > Manage My Inventory >  Import My Suppliers.
  2. Type in the path to the text file or database that contains the data to be imported, or click the Folder to navigate to the location of the file. If a database is used, the table containing the data must also be selected.
  3. The program displays the records from the input file at the bottom of the screen. If the input file contains headers, the program attempts to map them to the appropriate SEOM fields automatically. Manually map any fields the program is not able to distinguish later in this process.
  4. Click Next to proceed to the Import Options tab.
  5. Change the default settings of the Field Delimiter field and First Row Contains Field Names check box as needed to match your input file.
  6. Choose the mode the import process should follow by selecting or clearing the Create New Suppliers or Modify Existing Suppliers check boxes. Data from the input file is checked against Supplier ID and Supplier Name values in existing Supplier records.
  7. Click Next to proceed to the Supplier Fields tab and map those fields, as needed.
  8. If custom supplier fields are defined, click Next to proceed to the first page of the Custom Fields tab which contains custom Text and Integer supplier fields. Map those fields to fields in the input file, as needed.
  9. Click Next to proceed to the second page of the Custom Fields tab, which contains custom Currency and Date supplier fields.
  10. Click Next to proceed to the Finish and Import tab.
  11. Select the Backup Before Importing check box to make a backup copy of the program tables affected by this process. Click Restore from Backup on the Select File to Import tab if it is necessary to roll-back the changes. For example, if you discover that a field was mapped incorrectly, restore the backup, correct the field mappings and repeat the import process.
  12. Optional: Click Test Data and the program checks for limited data errors.
  13. Select Begin Import to start the process.
  14. If a backup copy was requested, respond OK to the confirmation message.
  15. The program provides a summary of the outcome of the import process that includes a count of any new records added and existing records edited.
  16. Click OK.
Updated on June 19, 2019

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