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  3. Generic Carts Order Import Template

Generic Carts Order Import Template


  • With a generic shopping cart license -> you can create an order import template to import order information.
  • Supports formats:
    • Comma-separated value OR tab-delimited text file
      NOTE: You cannot import a .csv file.
    • Access database OR linked table from another application (.mdb file)
  • You can create as many order import templates as you need.
  • The same template can be used for different generic shopping carts if the data is received in the same format.
  • When a template is saved ->, records:
    • Full path
    • File name
  • Each time you import orders from a specific template, SEOM looks for the same file name in the exact location.
    • NOTE: When importing using the same template, -> new file will need to be named the same as the old file.
  • IMPORTANT: Once imported, -> template file will be deleted
    • Useful to save copies of imported files in separate locations for reference.


Required Fields

  • Web Order # -> unique order number assigned by the shopping cart
    • If there is more than one line item for an order, -> must all have the same Web Order #
  • Order Date -> Date order placed
    • It must be in a format that MS Access recognizes.
  • SKU -> cart’s unique item or part number
    • It should match an SKU in SEOM.
  • Quantity Ordered -> number of units of a given line item
  • Unit Price -> the sale price per item

Data Requirements

  • For Text Files
    • There can be no BLANK rows anywhere in the text file.
    • If the data fields contain commas -> file must be saved as a tab-delimited file.
    • Do not use quotes in any text files
  • General
    • The first row may contain field names.
      • Field names should only include letters, numerals, and spaces.
      • No periods or other punctuation symbols.
      • If the first row contains field names and you select that option in the template setup, SEOM attempts to match them up with its fields wherever it can.
    • There must only be one line item per row in the text file.
      • If an order has more than one line item, -> must be a separate row in the text file for each item.
      • The program gets order-level data (names, addresses, etc.) from the first record for each order.
      • Subsequent records for the same order only need the web order number and the line item information (SKU, price, quantity, etc.).
        NOTE: order level data saved in subsequent records will be ignored.
    • All required fields must contain valid data.

Creating an Order Import Template

  1. Go to Main Menu>Import My Orders>View My Import Templates.
  2. Click “New” in the top-right corner.
  3. Give your template a name.
  4. Click “OK”
  5. Enter the full path + file name of the data file used to import orders.
    1. You can also use the folder icon on the right to navigate to the file location quickly.
    2. NOTE: When importing, -> file name must always be the same, or it will cause an error
  6. Click “Next.”
  7. Select the options to use for the order import.
    1. Field Delimiter -> Comma, Tab, Other.
    2. The first row contains field names -> headers.
    3. Store file name -> name + type of file.
    4. Store path -> to file location.
  8. Click “Next”
  9. Map the fields in your file to the SEOM fields by selecting from the drop-down lists.
    1. The program attempts to map fields of the same/similar name automatically.
    2. Check the mapping on all tabs: Order Fields, Customer Fields, Line Items, Custom Fields, and Payment Fields.
    3. NOTE: Custom Fields tab is only visible if custom fields are already defined.
  10. Click “Next” until the “Test & Save” page appears
  11. Click “Test Data” to test the template
    1. Test: All Orders or 1st 100 Orders -> based on file size
    2. Click “View Test Orders” to see the results.
    3. NOTE: Testing your data does not have any effect on your file or the Stone Edge tables
  12. Click “Save”
  13. Click “OK” to keep the template name entered earlier.
    1. To change the template name, rewrite it before clicking “OK.”
  14. The template is now saved.
  15. Click “Load a template” to view the template.

Import Orders from the Generic Order Import Template

  1. Main Menu -> Import My Orders.
  2. Import My New Orders.
  3. Click the shopping cart from the list.
  4. Click “Import via Template”
  5. Wait for Stone Edge to process.
    1. It may take time, depending on the file size.
    2. It must be the same file name + path as the template defined.
    3. If it is the first time “First Import” pop-up may appear asking about importing archived data ->. Click “No.”
  6. Pop-ups with results appear.
  7. Click “OK.”
  8. Orders are now imported.

Editing an Order Template

  1. Go to Main Menu>Import My Orders>View My Import Templates.
  2. Select the template from Load a template.
  3. To make changes to the template, select a tab and make the necessary changes to any fields.
  4. Go to the Test & Save tab and select Save.
  5. Respond Yes to replace the existing template of the same name.

Deleting an Order Template

  1. Go to Main Menu>View My Import Templates.
  2. Select the template from Load a template.
  3. To remove the template from the system, select Delete and then OK when prompted for confirmation.

Setting Up a Generic Cart

Please see the knowledge base article How to Set Up a Generic Cart – Stone Edge Order Manager.

Updated on October 5, 2022

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