- SEOM is only able to record the payment information available at the time an order is exported from the shopping cartand imported into its tables.
- Therefore, orders paid through the Google Checkout service are treated in the same manner as the traditional PayPal system (Express Checkout) and a payment method for this payment type must be defined in SEOM.
- The reason for this is that the Google Checkout system is not a synchronous system (transactions processed in real-time), so SEOM does not know if the transaction was completed successfully.
Using Google Checkout as a Payment Method in SEOM
- Determine the label used by the shopping cart to identify the payment information as coming from Google Checkout by viewing the order XMLor by contacting the vendor.
- Create a payment method in SEOM using the label identified in the previous step as the name of the payment method. Refer to the Knowledge Base article, Add a Payment Method for more information.
- For orders paid by this method to appear as “Paid in Full” once they are imported into SEOM, set system parameter GoogleCheckoutOrdersArePaidInFull equal to TRUE.