Compact an MS Access Data File Overview This topic only applies to Microsoft Access databases. Use the appropriate SQL Management Suite tools to perform maintenance on...
Compact and Repair Database Overview The procedures covered in this topic are for use with Microsoft Access databases only. If data or objects are...
Improving the Performance of Stone Edge Overview This topic provides suggestions and possible causes for the SEOM to experience degraded performance. Some of the tips are software...
Moving an MS Access Store Data File Moving the Data File For an Access database Determine the current location of your store data file, by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C from the Main...
Re-import Archived Orders Overview Over time your data file grows as you import more orders and customers. To keep MS Access store files...
Upgrading Stone Edge Overview Periodically, upgrading the Stone Edge software to obtain bug fixes or a new program version is necessary. We recommend...
Converting from Access Database to SQL Express Overview The following is provided for those that have outgrown the Access database limits of 2GB. Converting to SQL from...
Backing up SQL Server Overview It is important to back up your Database often so as to not lose data if the database was...
Recompile Program Overview As the Microsoft Access program file of Stone Edge Order Manager (SEOM) is used, it may become necessary to re-compile...
Archiving Old Stone Edge Data Overview Note: SQL Archiving requires updated stored procedures. Check the following article for instructions: Stored Procedures Once your store has...
Backup MS Access Data File Overview The information contained in your store data file(s) is unique to your Web store or stores. It contains all...
Reverting to a Previous Version of Stone Edge Overview If the user has installed a new version of Stone Edge and it becomes necessary to revert to the previous...
Customizing Stone Edge Order Manager: What You Need to Know Stone Edge Order Manager (SEOM) is a powerful and adaptable order management system that offers a wide range of features...
Order Status System Migration Step 1: Prepare for Migration Locate the Migration Wizard File Ensure you have a copy of the OrderStatusMigrationWizard.mdb file. If...