Please review our System Requirements page before upgrading.
Version 8.016: Released 03/28/2025
New Features
NEW: Added the ability to reprint USPS Manifests.
NEW: Added new versions of the Order Summary report that exclude the list of items that have fallen below their reorder points. The new versions of these reports include the text “No Reorder” at the end of the report name.
NEW: Added the ability to remove text from shipping methods during import. For example, if your shipping method includes an expected delivery date, you can now instruct Stone Edge to exclude specific text from being imported as part of the shipping method. Under Settings > List Maintenance > Ship Method Text, the text you enter here and any subsequent text will be removed from the shipping method during import.
ENHANCEMENT: A new “View Selected Item” button has been added to the Find Item form.
ENCHANCEMENT: Freeform Options can now be displayed on Manual Orders once the item has been added to the order. There is a new system parameter called “ManualOrdersDisplayFreeformOptions” where you can set the default display option.
FIXED: Runtime Error 94 occurs when approving orders with no ship-to state information when using a third-party sales tax system.
FIXED: Runtime Error 94 when reprinting a label for an order with no ship-to state.
Fixed: Issue with the TaxAmountCommitted field not being reset when unapproving orders on View Orders after attempting to edit the order.
FIXED: Update to Inventory text file import form to prepopulate additional fields with matching field names.
FIXED: Errors when sending Quote emails.
FIXED: The Recalc Order button was adding sales tax to nontaxable orders when using Order Manager as the Sales Tax System.
FIXED: Issue when using Advanced View Orders (AVO) and View Customers where clicking the View Their Customer Info button was not loading the correct customer when the View Customers form opened.
FIXED: Issue when using the Fill Backorders form sale tax adjustments were not getting removed from orders once backorders were filled.
FIXED: Issue with attempting to edit ship-to address and being prompted to un-approve the order first. This was happening errantly when the Sales Tax System was set to None.
FIXED: Runtime Error 3265 when adding discontinued items to Purchase Orders.
FIXED: Issue with Main Menu disappearing when switching between Manual Orders and both View Orders and Advanced View Orders (AVO)
FIXED: Issue with Manual Orders not fully loading when clicking the Add Order button on View Orders.
FIXED: When filling back orders on approved orders and new orders were getting created, Sales Tax was not being added to them when the Sales Tax System was set to Order Manager.
FIXED: Clicking the Recalc button was removing Sales Tax from orders when the Sales Tax System was set to Order Manager.
FIXED: Runtime Error 3219 Invalid Operation when editing Supplier information from the View Inventory form.
FIXED: Advanced Customer Service (ACS) defaulted to selecting the first quote in the list of quotes for a customer even when a different quote was selected.
FIXED: Process Order was not checking for the system parameter CartSuppressEmail when sending Order Confirmation emails.
FIXED: Error when canceling orders which causes item names to exceed the character/size limits set in the database.
FIXED: Issue with Manual Orders and confirming that the order is a Manual Order when determining which Sales Tax System to use.
FIXED: Issue with being unable to print Credit Slips from Batch Printing.
FIXED: Issue when using View Orders and Advanced Customer Service (ACS) where the View Customer button was not loading the correct customer at Advanced Customer Service (ACS).
FIXED: On the Dashboard, under Today’s Data, the “View Selected Order” button was not loading the correct order form.
FIXED: Issue with editing the ship-to address on orders when using Order Manager as the Sales Tax System, where the sales tax was not updating.
FIXED: Shipping Cost removed Invoice Total on Commercial Invoice.
Version 8.015: Released 01/30/2025
New Features
NEW: A new custom hook for credit card processing, CustomCreditCardProcessor, was added.
NEW: The ability to enter weights and dimensions was added to the Add/Edit Tracking Number form.
NEW: The Email Template Editor now has a new email tag for ShipReturnsAddressBlock. This tag can be used if the return address you want to use in the Returns email template is different from your standard company address.
ENHANCEMENT: We have added the ability to Validate Addresses on the Add/Edit Customer form in Advanced Customer Service (ACS).
ENHANCEMENT: Update to frmImportCustomObjects to specify that you want to import only objects of a specific type rather than everything from all object types. This is the screen that loads the first time you open Stone Edge after a new install, and you have the option to import custom reports, forms, modules, etc…
ENHANCEMENT: We have added the ability to add notes to orders when a Packing Slip is printed. This is controlled by a new system parameter called AddNoteWhenPrintPackingSlip.
ENHANCEMENT: Notes will now be added to an order if tracking information is manually added.
ENHANCEMENT: Dimensions are no longer required on the ShipitInternational form when entering customs information, but weight is still required.
FIXED: POS Sales Tax Issue with the UseTaxableField system parameter and nontaxable items having sales tax added to orders after they’ve been saved.
FIXED: When using Avalara as the sales tax system, tax-exempt customers did not have the information sent to Avalara when approving orders. Orders are sent to Avalara for record-keeping purposes but will not have sales tax charged against them.
FIXED: TaxJar error with the incorrect order amount being sent to TaxJar when orders contained back-ordered or dropship items.
FIXED: When clicking the View Customer Info button on Advanced View Orders (AVO), the correct customer information did not load on Advanced Customer Service (ACS).
FIXED: There was an issue with Advanced Customer Service (ACS) not displaying Quotes for customers if you selected a record from the screen’s Quick Search and List section.
FIXED: There was an issue with imported orders when using Order Manager as the sales tax system when there were backordered items. After filling backorders, the line item adjustment for sales tax was not updating, and the order appeared as if there should be no sales tax charged on it.
FIXED: On Advanced View Orders (AVO), the Reprint button now copies the URL of the label when a Return label is selected to be reprinted.
FIXED: Multiple display issues with Supplier information on the View Inventory form.
FIXED: Runtime Error 94 on the Ship No Orders Screen and Shipping screen when no package type is selected.
FIXED: Advanced Search on the order screens is not working for Name and Company Name when shipping for partial values.
FIXED: USPS End of Day Manifest Issues was including records for Return Labels and voided shipments.
FIXED: There was an issue with Manual Orders and Advanced Customer Service not using the correct specified sales tax system when the shopping cart configures the settings.
FIXED: Searching by Serial Numbers on the Advanced Search screen was not working when having a SQL backend.
FIXED: Error on the Shipping form when loading an order with many items.
FIXED: Issue with TaxAmountCommitted in the Orders table errantly set to True during order imports, preventing the ability to modify orders because the system thinks the order was already committed and sent to a sales tax system.
FIXED: Issue with incorrect rounding of weights when using a scale that measures to the thousandth decimal place.
FIXED: Issue with scanning order barcodes on Advanced View Orders (AVO) not always returning an order depending on where the cursor is currently located on the form.
FIXED: When approving orders on View Orders and Advanced View Orders (AVO) and using a third-party tax system, the list of taxable states was not being checked.
FIXED: Issue with being unable to cancel an RMA and being prompted to select an RMA Reason.
FIXED: Issue with not being able to search Notes on Advanced View Orders (AVO). The code was incorrectly searching for Customer notes rather than Order notes.
FIXED: Issue with ACSPriceList referencing the wrong Temp table.
FIXED: Runtime Error 13 on Advanced View Orders (AVO) when clicking the Edit button next to Tax when using TaxJar as your sales tax system.
FIXED: Issue with being unable to perform a Return on Advanced View Orders (AVO) without first unapproving the order.
FIXED: When performing returns on orders with sales tax, the sales tax was not removed from the order in Stone Edge. The correct sales tax adjustment was being sent to the Sales Tax System.
FIXED: Updated code to display the reason why credit cards are declined when using Braintree as the credit card processor.
FIXED: When using Braintree as your credit card processor and attempting to capture Authorizations, if there is no TransactionID, the Authorization Code will be used instead.
FIXED: Issue with the correct transaction amount displaying when selecting a transaction from the Transaction List under Payment on View Orders and Advanced View Orders (AVO).
FIXED: Updated Channel Advisor code to send tracking information using the latest version of their API. Also added a new code for sending Channel Advisor shipments through the Stack Controller using a different Send method.
FIXED: Issues with transaction information on Manual Orders not updating correctly when using Reference Transactions. The Amount due on the screen was not updating correctly based on the amount that was processed through the credit card gateway.
FIXED: Issue on Manual Orders when placing multiple orders for the same customer where payment information was not being cleared after saving the order.
FIXED: Issue when selecting the POS radio button on Manual Orders, where sales tax was being added for items not marked as taxable after saving the order.
FIXED: TaxJar error when saving POS orders even though TaxJar was not set as the sales tax system for POS.
FIXED: When using Shipping Cutoff Times, if the current time is later than the specified time, the ship date on the shipping form did not advance to the next day when Packing was enabled.
FIXED: Issue when using PCI Mode on Advanced Customer Service (ACS) were you were unable to save orders that only had payments that were authorized.
Version 8.014: Released 09/20/2024
New Features
NEW: Added ability to collate Invoices and Packing Slips on the Batch Print Menu to print by order number. Use the “Combined” button on the batch printing menu to print Invoices and Packing Slips at the same time.
NEW: Updated multiple forms to display the total amount of items and the total amount of SKUs on orders. This information is now available in Advanced Customer Service (ACS), Manual Orders, and the Shipping form. On Advanced Customer Service and Manual Orders, this information is controlled by the following system parameters: ShowProductTotalsOnACS and ShowProductTotalOnManualOrders. Packing Slips can also display this information by toggling the system parameter ShowProductTotalsOnPackingSlips.
ENHANCEMENT: We have added a new button under Payment on Manual Orders where you can view past credit card numbers and apply them to the order. This is not the same as using reference transactions; this new functionality will only load credit card information.
ENCHANTMENT: The Load Published Shipping Methods function will now only look back and load shipping methods used on orders within the last 60 days.
ENHANCEMENT: The ability to edit the quantity of items when entering Customs data during shipping was added. Also, some minor UI modifications were made to this form to make navigating it easier.
FIXED: Issue with cart-specific parameters for Sales Tax systems not working and defaulting to the system set in the global system parameter for SalesTaxSystem.
FIXED: On Advanced Customer Service, when using coupons based on Shipping Methods, which set the shipping amount on the order, the amount was not updating correctly, nor was the correct shipping method being set as the default shipping method.
FIXED: Multiple issues related to the default email template used when printing USPS Return Labels. The default template was not loaded automatically, and the information about the shipment was not displaying data from the most recent Return Label.
FIXED: Issue with the Import Orders form setting the focus back to the first cart in the list of shopping carts at the end of each import.
FIXED: When performing credits with Authorize.Net, the Stone Edge order number was not being sent back as the Invoice Number, preventing the order number from displaying with the transaction in the Authorize.Net user interface.
FIXED: Avalara issue when getting the message “Transaction must have at least one line” when performing returns.
FIXED: Issue with the Get Data From Order button on the orders’ forms not pulling the order balance/credit and instead defaulting to the transaction amount.
FIXED: USPS Manifests incorrectly included shipments with USPS Return Labels, which caused errors when running the daily manifest.
FIXED: Issue with not being able to reprint shipping labels created by Stone Edge if the order also contained tracking information for orders not shipped through Stone Edge.
FIXED: Error 3420 when deleting line items on Advanced Customer Service.
FIXED: When on ACS, the system parameter for VerifyAddressFormat was not working for the Customer Name or Company Name fields.
FIXED: Run time error 94 validating addresses on the Rate Shop form on Advanced Customer Service and Manual Orders.
FIXED: Miscellaneous user interface adjustments, bug fixes, and program enhancements.
Version 8.013: Released 08/27/2024
New Features
NEW: We have added support for USPS Return Labels. (Please contact support before using this feature to verify that your account settings are correct.)
NEW: We have added support for USPS Hazmat Shipping. (Please contact support before using this feature to verify that your account settings are correct.)
NEW: We have added the ability to override the need to pack all items on orders when shipping. A new hidden system parameter called ShipOverridePacking enables a new button on the shipping screen.
NEW: Added the ability to download Shipment Billing History data to a text file
ENHANCEMENT: Added the ability to view Customer Notes from the View Orders screen.
ENHANCEMENT: Notes will now be added to orders when shipping labels are printed, reprinted, deleted, and voided. (Note creation when printing Return Labels will be added in version 8.014)
ENHANCEMENT: View Inventory form will now check for duplicate barcodes when clicking the Save button.
FIXED: Runtime Error 13 when Archiving SQL databases
FIXED: Long notes on Advanced View Orders were being cut off, and text was only partially displayed in the notes preview window.
FIXED: Issue with notes displaying in the incorrect order. A new system parameter called OrderNoteSortOrder was added that allows you to set the sort order by note date or by the date they were added (autonumber).
FIXED: Runtime Error 449 when viewing customers’ orders from the View My Customers screen under Orders and Transactions.
FIXED: Multiple issues with usernames that have apostrophes in their name.
FIXED: The View Orders button on the Multi Order Processor screen was loading the standard View Orders screen even if your Process My Orders shortcut was set to Advanced View Orders.
FIXED: When using Advanced Customer Service and selecting payment information from old orders, the payment information did not load to the order.
FIXED: When clicking the Get Data From Order button under Payment on both View Orders and Advanced View Orders, there were some scenarios where the amount loading was incorrect. Sometimes, it would load the balance/credit due; other times, it would load the amount from the first transaction on the order.
FIXED: The Ship My Orders shortcut allows you to set the default to View Orders or Advanced View Orders.
FIXED: There was an issue with searching for Sku and Item Name with Advanced Search on the orders screen. The criteria for Sku and Item Name “starts with” were not being applied correctly.
FIXED: An issue occurred when on Advanced View Orders and trying to Set Actual and Expected Ship Dates to a date other than the current date. The date always defaulted to the current date.
FIXED: Approval Rules changing sort order when editing an existing rule.
FIXED: There was an issue with Custom Quick Filters not displaying correctly and applying the wrong orders to the selected quick filter.
FIXED: Issue with Customer Notes not displaying on Advanced Customer Service.
FIXED: In certain workflows, the buttons for Adding, Editing, and Deleting Suppliers on the View Inventory screen were hidden.
FIXED: Issue with the value for PO# clearing from the Receive Inventory form.
FIXED: The Zoom button on the Tasks form is not loading the correct Orders screen.
FIXED: DDU (Delivered Duty Unpaid) was removed from the Terms of Sale combo box as it is identical to DAP (Delivered at Place).
FIXED: Keyboard shortcuts for Control-Shift-Y and Control-Shift-E were not working on Advanced View Orders.
FIXED: International Shipping Settings are not displayed on View Inventory when using an SQL database.
FIXED: The issue with status updates back to Channel Advisor is failing.
Version 8.012: Released 07/16/2024
New Features
NEW: Added support for the new Minnesota Retail Delivery Charge on the Advanced Customer Service screen (ACS).
ENHANCEMENT: UI Modifications to Sales Tax Settings Form.
ENHANCEMENT: Misc updates made for AuthNet CIM integration including updated forms and better error handling.
ENHANCEMENT: Decreased the load time of the Shipping screen.
FIXED: Issue with Manual shipping adjustment on Advanced View Orders (AVO) not saving.
FIXED: Runtime Error 13 Type Mismatch Error when creating Reorders based of off orders that include coupons.
FIXED: Issue with Sales Tax on on shipping being removed from orders when using TaxJar as your sales tax system.
FIXED: Orders with no Country causing error when using TaxJar as your sales tax system.
FIXED: Issue with Suppliers being duplicated on View Inventory when add new products.
FIXED: Issue on Manual Orders where Customer Price Levels were not loading correctly.
FIXED: Updates to Shipping forms to account for larger tracking numbers which were getting cut off.
FIXED: Error logging credits when PCI mode is enabled.
FIXED: Issue on AVO with account number not loading correctly.
FIXED: Issue with Fulfilfillment Centers with names longer than 20 characters.
FIXED: Fulfillment Information not export data under certain situations related to a mismatch of Fulfillment Centers.
FIXED: Multiple UI issues related to buttons and icons not loading correctly on ACS and AVO.
FIXED: Added code to better handle null values with Approval Rules.
FIXED: Screen load issues when the Process My Orders shortcut is set to Multi Order Processor.
FIXED: Keyboard shortcut for COntrol-Shift-N was imporperly running if using Hot Keys.
FIXED: Error on AVO when selecting a Transaction that had an unsupported Status.
FIXED: Random Runtime Error when saving orders on ACS when using TaxJar as your sales tax system.
Version 8.011: Released 06/18/2024
New Features
NEW: Added the ability to Close RMAs and be able to search for the status of RMAs via a new report called RMAs Status. This feature automatically sets a closed date on RMAs when everything is received. When you partially receive an RMA, you will be prompted to close it. Closing the RMA does not have an impact on receiving items, editing received items, or when canceling RMAs.
ENHANCEMENT: Modification to the Add/Edit Tracking Numbers form where you can now control which list of carriers is populated through the use of the new system parameter ShipTrackingCarrierList.
ENHANCEMENT: Added support on Manual Orders for the Minnesota “Retail Delivery Fee” tax code that goes into effect on July 1st, 2024 *This is not yet supported when using Advanced Customer Service (ACS)
FIXED: Issue with an incorrect hardcoded path for Google Chrome for tracking UPS shipments on Advanced View Orders
FIXED: Sales Tax issue when using Order Manager as your sales tax system where Shipping was being taxed.
FIXED: Sales Tax issue when using Order Manager as your sales tax system when using the parameter for UseTaxableField were filling backorders on tax-exempt items and sales tax was being calculated on the item.
FIXED: Multiple issues related to batch printing Shipping Labels when saving and approving Manual Orders.
FIXED: Issue with Shipping Adjustments being removed or incorrectly being adjusted on orders when modifying addresses and modifying line items on Orders.
FIXED: Issue with the wrong tax rate being used on orders.
Version 8.010: Released 06/04/2024
New Features
NEW: Addition of new Shipping Report which allows you to filter shipments by carrier and calculate total shipment costs. (This report will only display data for shipments made through the built-in internal shipping system.)
ENHANCEMENT: Customer Item History added to ACS. Also, some other minor UI improvements on the main Custom Item History form.
ENHANCEMENT: Add the ability to have Process Tracking Numbers run automatically after printing each label when on the Shipping form. (New parameter: ShipAutoProcessTrackingNumbers)
FIXED: Customs buttons for AVO are not saving correctly nor displaying properly.
FIXED: Added support for USPS Ground Advantage, USPS Ground Advantage Cubic, and USPS Priority Mail Cubic for Channel Advisor.
FIXED: Calculation issue when shipping multiple boxes when Cost is selected as the source for Declared Value.
FIXED: Error when trying to print Shipping Labels when approving orders.
FIXED: Error when editing Tracking Number on AVO.
FIXED: The issue with Custom Quick Filters not working after new standard filters were recently added.
FIXED: Sales Tax is being miscalculated with Avalara if more than just sales tax is collected on the state level.
FIXED: Issue with Shipping Method not saving on AVO if the order did not have a shipping method saved at the time of import or order entry.
FIXED: Now sending Incoterms/Terms for Export in shipping requests for international shipments.
FIXED: Run Time Error 3075 when clicking Void All on the Void Tracking form.
Version 8.009: Released 05/13/2024
New Features
NEW: Added the ability to archive Purchase Order info based on the PO Closed Date. (Please contact Stone Edge support for more information at
NEW: Aged Receivable data is now a searchable option when searching for orders.
NEW: Added new quick filters for Today’s Orders, Today’s Web Orders, Today’s Manual Orders, Orders with Balance Due, and Orders with Credit Due
NEW: Added the ability to see what items a customer ordered from you more easily. There is now a report called Customer Item History where you can select an order date range, and a customer to print out a report which lists what they’ve ordered from you within that date range. The View Customers form will also give you the ability to see the customer’s item purchased history. This option is available under Orders and Transactions>Custom Item History.
ENHANCEMENT: Modification to Order Archive to Archive Review Reasons data.
ENHANCEMENT: We have added a date picker/calendar to various date fields on the Order Filter and other fields on the View Orders form. *If other date fields in the program would benefit from a date picker/calendar, please contact support so we can update them in future releases.
ENHANCEMENT: Design improvements made to Packing Slip 4×6 in addition to a new Packing Slip 4×6 report, which does not include location.
FIXED: Issue with Shipping incorrectly being returned on orders after performing a Return/RMA.
FIXED: There was an issue with shipping adjustments not calculating correctly when using table-based shipping rates and changing the shipping method via the Shipping section of View Orders and AVO.
FIXED: Issue with Sales Tax address information not saving correctly after being validated on the Sales Tax Setup screen.
FIXED: Inventory Value Reports had overlapping options, making selecting different options difficult.
FIXED: There was an issue with the Approval Rules not processing correctly if zip codes with a zero as a criteria were used.
FIXED: Issue with voiding tracking numbers if an order has multiple tracking numbers. In some scenarios, if you selected a tracking number void other than the first one on the order, the wrong tracking number was sent to be voided.
FIXED: Multiple issues related to shipping rates not being appropriately calculated after adjusting orders.
FIXED: Declared Values are incorrectly calculated when shipping items in multiple boxes.
FIXED: Multiple UI issues on View Orders and AVO.
Please report any issues to