Monsoon Commerce Payment Module
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result of the request, such as Authorization, Capture,Credit, Void, Bad AVS , Bad CVV , Declined, Voice Auth, Token
the application from which the payment transaction originated, Monsoon Stone Edge or Monsoon Commerce Payment Module
select a record in the grid and click this button to change the view of information related to that specific record (Requests tab)
select a record in the grid and click this button to change the view of information related to that specific record (Response tab)
select a record in the grid and click this button to view additional details about that record in a text box
select a record in the grid and click this button to change the view of information related to that specific record (Requests tab)
select a record in the grid and click this button to change the view of information related to that specific record (Transactions tab)
select a record in the grid and click this button to view additional details about that record in a text box
search for transactions from a specific store data file
search for transactions by a specific ABA number or Transaction Type
you can use the Wildcard Character to search for a partial string
select a record in the grid and click this button to change the view of information related to that specific record (Requests tab)
select a record in the grid and click this button to change the view of information related to that specific record (Transactions tab)
select a record in the grid and click this button to view additional details about that record
Created: 10/24/12
Revised: 12/12/13
Published: 04/13/2016