PM How to Search Transactions

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  1. Sign into the Payment Module with an Administrator User ID.
  2. Main Menu > Payment Search.
  3. Enter search criteria in one or more of the available fields to limit the records displayed.
  4. Click Search.
  5. The results of the search are displayed at the bottom of the screen. Use the scroll bar to see additional information to the right.

  1. Optional: Select a row and click one of the following buttons:
    1. Request – changes the view to the Requests tab where additional information about the specific payment request is displayed
    2. Response – changes the view to the Response tab where additional information about the specific response from the payment processor is displayed
    3. Details – opens the Event Details screen to display information in a text box format
    4. Load – displays the transaction at the Existing Payment tab of the Payment Terminal where you can select it and perform a secondary transaction
    5. Trans – changes the view from the Responses or Requests tabs back to the Transactions tab

Additional Information

Main Menu

Search Screen


Created: 2/2713


Published: 04/13/2016