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Adding a Note

When a field on the Add Note screen is selected, the program displays a text explanation of the purpose of that field.

  1. Go to one of the following locations to enter a note:

Main Menu>Tasks button>View Notes & Tasks>Add button

Main Menu>Process My Orders>View and Process My Orders>Notes tab>Add button

Main Menu>Manage My Customers>View & Manage My Customers>Notes tab>Add button

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>View & Manage My Inventory>Notes tab>Add button

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Suppliers>Notes tab>Add button


  1. Navigate to the appropriate record, if adding a note to an order, customer, supplier or inventory record. If adding a note that does not pertain to a specific record type, skip this step.

  2. Select Add. The Add Note screen opens:

Add Notes Screen

  1. The date and time fields are populated, based on the settings of the internal clock of the current workstation.

  2. If the security system has been configured, the name of the current user will appear in the By field. This drop down list contains a list of users that have been defined in the security system.

  3. Optional: An Event describes the reason for the note, e.g. Sales Inquiry or Media Inquiry. Choose an Event from the drop-down list of the same name. It is possible to type a new event name in this field, or the drop-down list can be pre-populated via List Maintenance - Note Events. The latter is recommended if the user ever intends to use this data in a query or report.

  4. Optional: Make a selection from the Priority drop-down list, e.g. 1, 2, or 3 or High, Medium or Low. It is possible to type a new event name in this field, or the drop-down list can be pre-populated via the List Maintenance feature of the program (Note Priority Codes). The latter is recommended if the user ever intends to use this data in a query or report.

  5. Optional: Enter a value in the Keyword field that will help to locate the note in the future. This field is not managed by the List Maintenance feature.  

  6. Enter narrative information about the note in the Enter your note here: field.

  7. Select Save to retain the note in the program. The note appears in the list in the right-hand pane.

Notes tab of the Customers, Process Orders, Inventory or Suppliers screens

  1. Select Cancel to abandon the data entered on this screen without creating a note or task.

Editing a Note

When a field on the Edit Note screen is selected, the program will display a text explanation of that field.

The Edit button is not visible if the system parameter AllowEditNotes is set to FALSE.

  1. Go to one of the following locations to edit a note:

Main Menu>Tasks>View Notes & Tasks>Add

Main Menu>Process My Orders>View and Process My Orders>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Customers>View & Manage My Customers>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>View & Manage My Inventory>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Suppliers>Notes tab>Add


  1. Navigate to the appropriate record, if changing a note associated with an order, customer, supplier or inventory record. If changing a note that is not associated with a specific record type, find it by using the Search for Notes screen.

  2. Select the note in question.

  3. Select Edit. The Edit Notes screen opens:


Edit Note screen

  1. Make the necessary changes to the note.

  2. Select Save to retain the changes made to the note.

  3. Select Cancel to abandon the data entered on this screen without updating a note or task.

Replying to a Note

  1. Go to one of the following locations to respond to a note:

Main Menu>Tasks>View Notes & Tasks>Add

Main Menu>Process My Orders>View and Process My Orders>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Customers>View & Manage My Customers>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>View & Manage My Inventory>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Suppliers>Notes tab>Add


  1. Navigate to the appropriate record, if responding to a note associated with an order, customer, supplier or inventory record. If changing a note that is not associated with a specific record type, find it by using the Search for Notes screen.

  2. Select the note in question.

  3. Select Reply. The Add Note screen opens:


Add Notes Screen

  1. The Add Note screen opens and the default Followup Task is Read this note, but that can be changed by the user, if desired. Enter pertinent data in any of the fields, such as adding a completion date, changing the Scheduled For date, or adding more information about the situation in the note text field.

  2. Select Save to retain the information that has been added.

  3. Select Cancel to abandon the reply.

Deleting a Note

The Delete button is hidden if system parameter AllowDeleteNotes is set to FALSE.

If a Note has any associated Replies, it cannot be deleted.

  1. Go to one of the following locations to delete to a note:

Main Menu>Tasks>View Notes & Tasks>Add

Main Menu>Process My Orders>View and Process My Orders>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Customers>View & Manage My Customers>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>View & Manage My Inventory>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Suppliers>Notes tab>Add


  1. Navigate to the appropriate record, if responding to a note associated with an order, customer, supplier or inventory record. If responding to a note that is not associated with a specific record type, search for it by the Search for Notes screen.

  2. Select the note in question.

  3. Select Delete.

  1. The program prompts the user to confirm the deletion of the note prior to performing that action.  Select OK to proceed or Cancel to abandon the action.

Searching for a Note

  1. Go to one of the following locations:

Main Menu>Tasks>View Notes & Tasks>Add

Main Menu>Process My Orders>View and Process My Orders>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Customers>View & Manage My Customers>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>View & Manage My Inventory>Notes tab>Add

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Suppliers>Notes tab>Add


  1. Select Search. The Search for Notes screen opens:

Search for Notes screen

  1. Enter the known search criteria in the appropriate fields. Refer to the Search for Notes Knowledge Base topic for more information.

  2. Select the Search All _____ or Search Current _____ button to begin the search. The buttons' labels depend on the location in the program from which this screen was called, such as the Inventory, Customer, Supplier or Orders screens.

  3. The results of the search are displayed in the right-hand pane. Use the navigational arrows at the bottom left-hand side of the screen to scroll between matching records.

System Parameters Affecting Notes

AddEmailToNotes - When set to TRUE, Monsoon Order Manager stores the body of an email in a note; AddNoteWhenEmailSent must also be set to TRUE.


AddNotesForStatusChanges - When set to TRUE, each time the status of an order or a line item changes, Monsoon Order Manager adds a note to the order record; UseStatusUpdates must be set to TRUE.



CarryForwardAddNotes - set to TRUE to have a note added to the order whenever a balance or credit is carried to another order. Notes will be recorded in the originating and subsequent orders.


UPSShipmentAddNotes - set to TRUE to have the system add a note to an order when shipments are processed.  


VerifyAddToNotes - When set to TRUE and VerifyAddressesAtImport is set to TRUE, Monsoon Order Manager verifies domestic addresses with the United States Postal Service (USPS) and, if it finds a discrepancy, stores the original and revised addresses in a note in the order record.


Additional Information

Add Notes



List Maintenance


Process Orders

Search for Notes

Set System Parameters


View Notes & Tasks


Created: 1/24/11

Revised: 9/16/14

Published: 08/19/15