View Notes & Tasks

Contents of this Topic: Show


Description of the View Notes & Tasks Screen

View Notes & Tasks screen


Filters Provided on the View Notes & Tasks Screen

Assigned to:

Entered By:

Show: Check Boxes

Notes with Followup Tasks
All Notes

Include: Radio Buttons

Past Due & Due Today
Due in the Next 5 Days
All Open Tasks
Include Completed Tasks

Note Type Drop-down List

Fields and Controls on the View Notes & Tasks Screen

View Outgoing Email Button


Task Completed Button

Cancel Task Button

Reply Button

Clear Filter Button

Search Button

Add Button

Edit Button

Delete Button

Note List Box

Note Text Box

Entered Field

By Field

Event Field

Priority Field

Keywords Field

Followup Field

Assigned To Field

When Due Field

Completed Field

Type Field

Has Email Check Box

Additional Information

Add Notes



Main Menu


Process Orders

Search for Notes

Security System



Created:  5/2/12

Revised: 12/3/13

Published: 08/19/15