This tab is broken down into three sections: SKU to Ship, First Order Options, and Subscription Shipping Method.
SKU To Ship
*Use a kit SKU to send your customers the same group of items shipment after shipment.
First Order Options
If you selected No Shipments for this subscription above, proceed to Schedule Tab.
Otherwise, select one or more of the following options:
If you wish to ship an item immediately after a customer places an order, leave this checkbox checked. If you do not wish to ship an item immediately, e.g. a customer subscribes to a magazine and the next publication date is not for another three weeks, un-check the checkbox and proceed to the Subscription Shipping Method section.
This option is for subscriptions that are based on a fixed number of shipments. If unchecked, the original order does not count against the number of shipments to which the customer is entitled. If checked, the original order does count against the number of shipments to which the customer is entitled. If the subscription is date-based (i.e., the subscription lasts for a specific period of time) this option has no effect.
This option prevents the Subscription Manager from adding a new line item to the original order where the new line item is the item that is actually shipped. The item's Quantity on Hand (QOH) is reduced by the amount entered in the Quantity of SKU to Ship on each order field multiplied by the number of subscriptions purchased by the customer.
Select this option if you want the item that is actually shipped per the original order for the subscription to appear as a line item on the order (and invoice).
Subscription Shipping Method
Specify a shipping method for the Subscription Manager:
Selecting this option prompts the Subscription Manager to use the shipping method that appears on the customer's original order (which may be blank).
Select a default shipping method for the Subscription Manager from the drop down list.
See Also
Payments/Reorders/Invoicing Tab