Add a Shipping Box as an Inventory Item

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Best Practices

How to Add a Box as an Inventory Item

The method to add a shipping box as an Inventory item is similar to adding a product.

  1. Go to Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>View & Manage My Inventory

  2. Select Add in the upper right-hand corner.

  3. Enter values in the Local SKU, Item Name, and # On Hand fields.

  4. Select Add Primary Supplier to provide purchasing information about the box.  (Supplier, Supplier's SKU, and Unit Cost fields are required)

  5. Select the Miscellaneous tab.

  6. Select  "This is a Box, not a product".

  7. Enter the box's Length, Width, and Height dimensions.

  8. Select Save.

Additional Information


Inventory: Miscellaneous

How to Add a New Inventory Item

Dimensional Weights

Created: 1/17/12

Revised: 6/5/15

Published: 04/14/16