Executing the Setup Guide

Use the Next Topic and Previous Topic arrows, and ,  in the Navigation Pane of the Knowledge Base to read about each step of the Setup Guide in sequence. (The buttons are actually white on the black background of the Navigation Pane.)

Contents of this Topic: Show


  1. The name of the store data file is pre-populated in the Name field on the Company tab.
  2. Enter additional address, phone or website information in the Info1 - 4 fields.
  3. Optional: Click Add Logo to navigate to the location of an image file to be inserted on store paperwork or email correspondence.
  4. Click Next to proceed to the Users tab.
  5. Click Add and enter the Initials and Name of the new user.
  6. Select the role or roles the new user can perform.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Repeat steps 5 - 7 as often as necessary to define your users.

  9. Click Next to proceed to the Sales Tax tab.

  10. Select a State in which sales tax is collected.

  11. Enter a name or "any"(without the quotes) in City.

  12. Enter the percentage of sales tax collected for that nexus in Tax Rate.

  13. Select Tax S & H? if sales tax is collected on shipping and handling charges.

  14. Repeat steps 10 - 13 for each nexus in which you must collect sales tax.

  15. Click Next to proceed to the Shopping Carts tab.

  16. Select an Available Cart Type displays shopping carts for which you are licensed.

  17. Click on the cart type and Add a New Cart appears.

  18. Click Add a New Cart and follow the prompts on the next several screens to enter information about your shopping cart.

  19. Select Yes and click Next. The screens you see may not match this example exactly as the requirements for each shopping cart are different. Just fill in the requested information at each screen and continue through the setup process.

  1. Enter an arbitrary, unique name for this shopping cart definition within OMS and click Next.

  1. OMS requires credentials to access your online store. Enter the User Name or Cart ID in Cart Id/User Name. Enter the password in Cart Password and Re-enter Password.
  2. Click Next.

  1. If it is necessary to provide OMS with the URL of the integration script at your shopping cart, enter it here and click Next.

  1. Click Next.

  1. Select Save & Exit to return to the main Shopping Carts page.
  1. Click Next to proceed to the Email tab.

  1. Choose the method for sending email. Order Manager is recommended for most users.
  2. Enter the appropriate information in the fields on screen and click Test to send a test email to the From Address.
  3. Click Next to proceed to the Import Data tab.

  1. Select Suppliers, click Text File and run through the subsequent screens to import supplier information. Refer to the Knowledge Base topics at the end of this page for more information.

  2. Select Inventory, click Shopping Cart, Text File, or QuickBooks and make the appropriate selections on the subsequent screens to import product information. Refer to the Knowledge Base topics at the end of this page for more information about the different processes mentioned here.

  3. Select Orders and click Shopping Cart and run through the subsequent screens to import order information. Refer to the Knowledge Base topics at the end of this page for more information.

  4. Optional: Select Customers, click Shopping Cart, Text File, or QuickBooks and make the appropriate selections on the subsequent screens to import customer information. Customer records are created when orders are imported, as well. Refer to the Knowledge Base topics at the end of this page for more information about the different processes mentioned here.

  5. Click Close to exit the Setup Guide.

Additional Information

Credit Card Processors

Import My Inventory

Import from QuickBooks

Import My Customers

Import My Suppliers

Import Orders

Security System

Sending Email through Stone Edge

Shopping Cart List

Store Setup Wizard Introduction

Tax Rates




Created: 7/11/12


Published: 04/14/16