Import Orders

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Main Menu>Process My Orders>Import My Orders

Main Menu> What would you like to do?>Import My Orders button

Before orders can be imported into OMS , at least one shopping cart system must be defined.

Description of the Screen

Import My Orders

Select Shopping Cart to Import From List Box

Import via Internet Button

Import from Text File Button

View Orders from Last Import Button

Close Button

Importing Orders

Performing a Direct Order Import

  1. Open the Import Orders screen:

Main Menu>Process My Orders>Import My Orders

Main Menu> What would you like to do?>Import My Orders button

  1. Select the appropriate shopping cart from Select Shopping Cart.

  2. Click Import via Internet to start the import.

  3. If this is the first time that order information is being imported from the web store, refer to First Import for more information about responding to the program prompts.

  4. When the import process has been completed, the program provides a visual summary of the results. Click OK.

  5. Depending on the setting of the system parameter, UsePrinterMenu, the Printer Menu screen appears so you can select the printer (and tray) where the order paperwork and reports are printed.

  6. (Optional) Select View Order from Last Import to review the most recently imported orders.

Performing a Text File Order Import

  1. Obtain the text file from the web store and place it in the NewOrders folder. To determine the path to the NewOrders folder, view system parameter, NewOrderLocation.

  2. Open the Import Orders screen:

Main Menu>Process My Orders>Import My Orders

Main Menu> What would you like to do?>Import My Orders button

  1. Select the appropriate shopping cart from Select Shopping Cart.

  1. Click Import via Text File to start the import.

  2. If this is the first time that order information has been imported from a Web site, refer to First Import for more information about responding to the program prompts.

  3. When the import process has been completed, the program provides a visual summary of the results. Click OK.

  4. Depending on the setting of the system parameter, UsePrinterMenu, the Printer Menu appears so you can select the printer (and tray) where the order paperwork and reports are printed.

  5. (Optional) Select View Order from Last Import to review the most recently imported orders.

PCI-DSS Warning Message

If you receive a warning message during order import which states that full credit card information was passed from the shopping cart:

  1. respond Yes to be warned about each order that contains full credit card data, or No to disable the warning for the duration of the current import
  2. when the import is complete, you must cleanse the credit card information from the hard drive of the workstation that performed the import or you are not PCI compliant
  3. the program will not import the full credit card number, so no action is required within Stone Edge, however, you may lose the ability to charge the customer for this order
  4. even if DeleteDownloadTextFiles is set to TRUE, the data still resides on the hard drive until you use a tool such as Microsoft's sysInternals sDelete command. Refer to the Implementation Guide for more information.

This behavior may be the result of a customer using a stored credit card number in a non-PCI compliant version of the shopping cart.

Additional Information

First Import

Printer Menu


Created: 3/14/12

Revised: 11/22/13

Published: 04/14/16