Purchase Orders

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         Main Menu > Settings > Inventory Functions > Scan Non-PO Items  

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Purchase Orders  

Best Practice

Purchase Order Work Flow

Regular Purchase Orders

Drop-ship Purchase Orders


Once invoices have been entered, they can be exported to QuickBooks as bills to be paid. Unfortunately, the whole purchase order process can be sloppy for a lot of merchants:

To accommodate issues like these, we developed the concept of "loosely connected data." For each purchase order, OMS stores what was originally ordered, what is currently expected (if not already received), what is received and what has been invoiced. Each stage is "loosely connected" to the other stages, so almost anything can be changed until the items have been received and invoiced. Each purchase order’s original details are "locked" once it has been added to a purchase order invoice. You can still modify "expected" and "received" information for the PO, but not the original details.


Description of the Screen

Purchase Orders screen


Menu Tab

Filter & Select a PO Tab

Find a Purchase Order Screen
Close POs Past Cancel By Date Link
Print PO Status Report Link

View Selected PO Tab

View PO Items Link
View PO Info Link
View PO Combined Items Link

Inventory Status Tab

Create New PO Tab

How would you like to create your PO?
View QTY Not Shipped & BO Link
Search for SKUs Link
Add New SKU Link
View Selected SKU Details

Drop-Ship Tracking Tab

Add Tracking Numbers Link

Receive Inventory Tab

Receive Against a Purchase Order Link

Invoices Tab

Enter Invoices for Purchase Orders

The Right-Hand Pane

Create a New PO Button

Find a PO Button

Additional Functions Section

Enter tracking numbers for Drop-Ship purchase orders
Receive inventory against purchase orders
Enter invoices for existing purchase orders

Additional Information

Add New Product

Creating Purchase Orders

Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

Drop-Ship Tracking

Inventory Status

Purchase Order Invoices

Revising a Purchase Order

Search Inventory

Select Purchase Orders


Created: 5/10/12

Revised: 11/6/14

Published: 04/14/16