Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

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Loosely Connected Data is an important concept that applies to the entire purchase order system. Merchants often do not receive exactly what they ordered. They may also receive invoices before or after their products are delivered. Therefore the data generated in each stage in the purchase order process is now "loosely connected" to the previous stage’s data. For example, you place a purchase order but as time passes what you expect to receive against that purchase order changes, e.g. quantities, costs, SKUs, etc. Eventually you receive the shipment but it is not what you expected nor does it match the invoice. You can revise the purchase order in OMS to reflect these types of changes whenever you need to. Plus, the program revises the inventory valuation and cost-of-goods for exporting data to QuickBooks.

General Information about Drop-Ship Purchase Orders


The following tasks can be done in any order:

Create Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

Drop-ship purchase orders are not created at the Purchase Orders screen. Instead, they are created when you place a drop-ship order by one of the following methods:

Revise Drop-Ship PO Line Items

Drop-ship purchase orders are created from individual line items in your orders. If the DropShipUsePOSystem parameter is set to True, you can edit these line items until you place the drop-ship order. After you place the drop-ship order, you can only edit it at the Purchase Orders screen.

Revise "Expected" Records

  1. Go to Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Purchase Orders.

  2. Select Find & Select POs tab to locate the purchase order. Double-click the purchase order in the list or select View PO.

  3. Select Expected.

  4. To add, edit or cancel a line item, select any field in that line, e.g. Qty, and click the Add, Edit or Cancel buttons.

  5. To change the Suppliers SKU, Estimated or Actual Cost, or the Date the items are expected for some but not the total quantity for one line item, select the Split button. At the next screen, enter the changes and the partial quantity to which the changes apply. The program reduces the quantity of the original line item and adds a new line item reflecting the changes.

Edit "Received" Records

  1. Go to Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Purchase Orders.

  2. Select Find & Select POs tab to locate the purchase order. Double-click the purchase order in the list or select View PO.

  3. Select Received.

  4. Use the Split, Add, Edit and Cancel buttons to make changes.

Enter Invoices for Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

  1. Go to Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Purchase Orders.

  2. Select Invoices.

  3. Select Enter Invoices for Purchase Orders.

  4. Select the supplier from whom you have received an invoice.

  5. Enter the invoice details, e.g. invoice number, invoice date, terms, etc.

  6. Enter the product subtotal and any freight, fees and discounts.

  7. In the list of purchase orders for the current supplier, select those that are on the current invoice by putting a check mark in the "$" column.

  8. Make any changes necessary to the line items on the selected purchase orders at the right-hand side of the screen.

  9. Select Post Data to create the invoice in OMS .If you are exporting invoices to QuickBooks or another accounting program for payment, that information is not snet when Post Data  is selected. It is sent the next time you Export Accounting Data.

IMPORTANT NOTE: At this time, invoice data CANNOT BE EDITED after it has been posted. Be absolutely sure that your information is correct prior to posting the invoice information.

  1. Optional: To export invoices to QuickBooks or another accounting program, go to:

Main Menu>Settings>Data Functions>Export Accounting Data.

Enter Tracking Information for Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

  1. Select a PO on the Find & Select POs tab.

  2. Select Drop-Ship Tracking>Add Tracking Numbers.

  3. Filter the records by one of the following methods:

  1. Once you have selected the items with which you wish to work, you can:

  1. Optional: Select Restart to clear everything you have entered and start over using the same selection of line items.

  2. Optional: Select View Order to see the entire order for the selected line item.

  3. Optional: Use the Split button to enter data for a partial quantity of one line item by splitting that line into two separate line items.

  4. Select Post Data to save the information you entered.


Drop-Ship Tracking screen


Import Tracking and Packing Data from a Text File for Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

  1. Go to Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Purchase Orders>Drop-Ship Tracking>Add Tracking Numbers.
  2. Select Import Tracking Data.
  3. Select Drop-Ship POs.
  4. Select the folder icon to navigate to the text file containing the data.
  5. Select the delimiter used in the file or enter it in Order.
  6. If the first row contains a header record with field names, select that box.
  7. Map the OMS fields to those in the text file by using the drop-down lists.
  8. If you import Item Numbers or Drop-Ship PO Numbers the program also creates Packing records.
  9. Optional: Select a Default Carrier.
  10. Select Drop-Ship PO Number as the Link Field.
  11. Select Test Data.
  12. Select Run Import.


Additional Information

Cancelling Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

Entering or Importing Tracking Information for Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

Entering Puchase Order Invoices

Purchase Orders

Revising a Purchase Order


Created: 7/24/12

Revised: 10/7/14

Published: 04/14/16