Suppliers: Supplier

  Use the Next Topic and Previous Topic arrows, and ,  in the Navigation Pane of the Knowledge Base to move sequentially through the topics explaining the Suppliers screen. (The buttons are actually white on the black background of the Navigation Pane.)

Contents of this Topic: Show


Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Suppliers>Supplier

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Suppliers>View Suppliers

Description of the Screen

Suppliers screen

Supplier Accordion

Menu Button

List Button

Search Button

Email Supplier Link

QuickBooks Account Link

View Website Link

View POs Button

View Items Button

Reports Button

Supplier Data Section

Open POs Field

Last PO Sent Field

Items Assigned Field

As Primary Field

Company Information Fields

Supplier Name Field

Supplier ID Field

Address Line 1 Field

Address Line 2 Field

City, State, Zip Fields

Country Field

Supplier Code Field

Phone Field

Toll Free Line Field

Fax Field

Main Contact Field

Phone or Ext. Field

Main Email  Field

Website URL Field

Sales Rep Field

Rep's Phone Field

Rep's Email Field

Account ID Field

QB Account Field

Navigation arrows


Additional Information

Accounting Export Setup

Send Email


Report Menu


Created: 1/27/12

Revised: 9/19/14

Published: 08/19/15