Report Menu

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Main Menu>Report My Reports>Run My Management Reports

Description of the Report Menu - Standard Reports Tab

Report Menu: Standard Reports tab



Standard Reports

NOTE: Choosing a template from the Preview available templates drop-down list does not constitute a permanent change. The change is only in effect during the current viewing or printing session. To permanently change the default template that will be used for a specific report, the corresponding system parameter must be changed.


Some Standard Reports that are included with Stone Edge

Back Order Details – Breaks down the quantity needed for each order organized by SKU

Back Order Summary – Summarizes each SKU and total needed based on a date range

Back Orders by Customer – Lists each customer awaiting back ordered products; sorted by customer name.

Back Orders by Order Number – same as the customers report but sorted by Order number.

This report is available in six different formats:

Sales by Customer and Product: Shows what products each customer purchased, grouped and sorted by customer.

Sales by Product and Customer: Shows what products each customer purchased, grouped and sorted by product.

Sales by Product No Options: Uses the least amount of paper. Does not include any order option fields.

Sales by Product with 5 options: Shows the first five order option fields.

Sales by Product with all options: Shows all ten of the order option fields.

Sales by Product with Prices: Shows the value of each product sold, by SKU.


This report is available in seven formats:

Order Summary: Shows a summary of basic order information that is sorted and grouped by Monsoon Order Manager 's order number. It is typically run after orders have been imported.

Order Summary by Shipping: Order Summary report sorted first by shipping method, then by Monsoon Order Manager Order Number.

Order Summary by Source: Order Summary grouped first by source of the order (Manual Orders, Shopping Cart , etc.) and then sorted by the Monsoon Order Manager Order Number.

Order Summary by Address and Total: Order Summary including full billing address sorted and grouped by the Monsoon Order Manager Order Number.

Order Summary with CC by Shipping: Includes credit card information and sorted by shipping method then Monsoon Order Manager Order Number.

Order Summary with CC Info - Order Summary including credit card information sorted and grouped by the Monsoon Order Manager Order Number.

Order Summary with Totals: Order Summary sorted and grouped by the Monsoon Order Manager Order Number, includes grand totals at the end of the report.

Pick List: Shows Location, Quantity Needed, SKU and Item Name, all ten order options, and spaced to enter number picked and notes. Prints when orders are imported (if system parameter PrintPickLists is set to True)

Slow Movers/Best Sellers. Supplies information regarding the best and worst sellers in your inventory.

Report Options

There are three columns and one button on the Set Report Options screen:

This same functionality can also be performed via Main Menu>Settings>Report Functions>Set Report Options

Description of the Custom Reports Tab

Selecting Different Report Templates

Select a Printer

System Parameters that affect Reports


Additional Information

Creating and Editing Custom Reports

Custom Report Maintenance

Report Options

Report Parameter Group

Set System Parameters


Created: 5/2/12

Revised: 11/6/14

Published: 08/19/15