How to Add a New Inventory Item

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  1. Manually enter supplier records at the Suppliers screen or use the Import Suppliers link on the Inventory screen to import supplier information from a text file.
  2. Go to Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>View and Manage My Inventory.

  1. Select Add to create a "blank" item record that you can fill in to create a new product in your inventory database.

  1. Enter a unique value in the Local SKU field. A Local SKU is the part number you use to refer to an item in your store or stores. SKUs can include letters, numerals, spaces, underscores (_) and dashes (-). We do not recommend using other punctuation marks. In particular, they must not include quotes (”), apostrophes (’), commas (,) and semicolons (;).SKUs are limited to 250 characters in length however; many places in the program can only display about 40 characters, so think small!
  2. Enter a value in the Item Name field.

  3. Complete the other fields as appropriate. Refer to the Inventory Knowledge Base topic for more information.

  4. Select Add Primary Supplier.

  1. Pick a primary supplier of the product from the list.

  2. Enter your supplier's SKU for the item or select Local SKU or Item Name to use one of those as the supplier SKU.

Note: Because an item can have more than one supplier, an item can have more than one Supplier's SKU. If you wish, you can use a Supplier's SKU as the Local SKU.

  1. Enter a value in the Unit Cost field.

  2. Enter additional information in the remaining fields, as appropriate.

  3. Select the Miscellaneous tab and enter product dimension information in Length, Width, and Height. Having this information available can help minimize costs for Ground shipments through UPS and FedEx.

  4. Select Save.



Additional Information

How to Import Inventory from a Text File or Database Table

How to Add a Supplier

Inventory: Miscellaneous

Add a Shipping Box as an Inventory Item

Dimensional Weights

Created: 3/28/13

Revised: 3/6/15

Published: 04/14/16