How to Add a Supplier

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  1. Launch OMS .
  2. Go to Manage My Inventory > Manage My Suppliers.

  1. Click Add.

  1. Enter a value in the Supplier Name field. This is the only required field, but you should enter as much information as possible, especially if you plan to use the Purchase Order system.
  2. Enter information in the other fields as you wish. Refer to the Knowledge Base topic, Suppliers, for more information about each field.
  3. Click Save.
  4. The program assigns a Supplier ID to the new Supplier record.

  1.  You can now go to the Inventory screen and add a new product record using this new supplier record. You can also change an existing product record to use this new supplier. Refer to topic How to Add a New Inventory Item for more information on that process.

Additional Information


How to Import Supplier Information from a Text File or Database

How to Add a New Inventory Item


Created: 3/29/132


Published: 04/14/16