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Manual Orders Screen

In this Topic: Show


The Manual Orders screen is accessed by the [Manual Entry] link in the Orders section of the Main Menu, and was formerly titled, Enter Orders Manually. This screen allows the merchant to manually enter orders that are received by mail, fax or phone.

If the merchant has a brick and mortar store with walk-in customers, the Point of Sale system offers a more sophisticated, cash register-like interface for entering and processing orders.

The Point of Sale system is only available with the PlusPOS and Enterprise editions of the program. Refer to The Point of Sale book of the Knowledge Base's Table of Contents or the Order Manager User Guide for more information about that feature.  

Figure 1: Manual Orders screen

Description of the Screen

For the purpose of explaining this screen, let's break it into three sections:

Figure 2: Manual Orders screen - illustration

The Top Section

Sales Person Drop-down List

The Manual Orders screen has a Sales Person drop-down list in the upper left-hand corner, where the user can assign a salesperson to the order. To make use of this field, the Security System must be enabled and a list of sales people must be created via the List Maintenance feature of the program. Once the list has been created, the drop-down list will be populated with the names of the sales people.

To automatically have the program select the user that is currently logged into the program as the Sales Person, set system parameter ManualOrdersSetToCurrentUser to TRUE.  

There are several other system parameters that affect the use of the Sales Person field within the Manual Orders screen as well in other locations of the program. Some of them are:

Parameters are also documented in the Knowledge Base articles for each parameter group. See the System Parameter book in the Knowledge Base's Table of Contents. The parameter group for a given parameter can be determined by viewing the Set System Parameters screen.  

Action Buttons

The upper right-hand corner of the screen contains buttons that allow the user to save the current order as a [Quote], open the [View Orders] screen, [Save] the current order, [Cancel] the current order or [Close] the Manual Orders screen.

A brief explanation of each button follows:

Figure 3: Delete the order? prompt

The choices are:

The Middle Section - Tabs for inputting Order Information

There are five possible tabs that can be seen in the lower half of the Manual Orders screen: Addresses, Line Items, Custom Fields, Messages & Notes and $ Payment. They are in a left to right sequence, representing the normal progression of data entry for most manual orders. It is not necessary, however, for each and every field on all of the tabs to be filled in. For example, the user can opt to omit all Messages & Notes fields. In addition, the Custom Fields tab will only be visible if the user has configured a custom order field in the program. Refer to the Knowledge Base article, Configuring Custom Fields for more information. Each tab is discussed in more detail, below:

The Addresses Tab

This is where the order's customer billing and shipping information is entered. There are also several other related functions that can be performed when an order is being placed for an existing customer, such as viewing their existing customer record, or viewing notes and any order history associated with the customer. This is the tab that is the default view when the Manual Orders screen is opened.

Entering Customer Information on the Addresses tab

Data can be typed directly into the text boxes with white backgrounds and the program also offers some shortcuts for data entry as well.

For example, type the customer's email address into the Email field and hit [Enter]. If there is a customer record in the program that is associated with that email address, the program will populate the BILLTO section of the screen with the information from that customer record and ask the user to confirm that this is the correct person.

Figure 4: Correct Person? prompt

Figure 5: Change Email Screen

Figure 6: Addresses tab

If the email address, customer ID or phone number is not available, it is possible to locate an existing customer's record using other data by clicking the [Search] button to the left of the BILL TO section of the screen. Then simply type the data that is known into the appropriate field or fields and click the [Begin Search] button.

Figure 7: Search for a Customer screen

Figure 8: Select Customer screen

Other Functions on the Addresses tab

For this discussion, please refer to Figure 6.  Notice the series of buttons at the left of the BILL TO section of the screen, and the [Update Customer Records] button in the center of the screen. We have previously discussed the [Search] button and will now cover the remaining action buttons on this tab.  

Directly below the BILL TO section of the screen there is also a check box labeled, Do not send bulk email to this customer. Mark this box if this customer should not receive email from any bulk mailings that might be performed. This box corresponds to the box labeled Do not mail to this customer on the View Customers screen. If either of the boxes are checked on one of the forms, the other form will reflect that status as well. The value of this field will also be propagated to the Customer record if an address is being added or changed and the order is saved, without clicking the Update Customer Record button.

The Line Items Tab

The Line Items tab is used to select the products that will be added to the order.

There are four ways to add a product SKU to an order:

Figure 9: Manual Orders screen - Line Items tab


Click one of the radio buttons in the Show: section of the screen to see various option attributes that are associated with the SKU.

When a SKU has been selected, the right-hand side of this tab will display information about the SKU as well as allow the merchant to set pricing or shipping dates for the item:

If the order is being placed by a returning customer, as is the case shown in Figure 9, there will be an additional button below the Show: section of the screen that can also be used to quickly enter data for repeat orders:

The Custom Fields Tab

This tab will only be visible if the user has configured at least one custom order field within the program. Refer to the Configuring Custom Fields Knowledge Base article for more information.

In the following screenshot, we see that two custom order fields have been created. My Custom Order Field 1 is configured as a simple text box, while the second, Another Custom Order field, is configured as a combo box (note the drop-down arrow). The data in these fields will also be visible on the Custom Order Data tab of the View Orders screen, and the data can be edited there, as well.

Figure 9: Custom Fields tab when a custom order field has been defined   

The Messages & Notes Tab

Additional information, such as gift messages, order instructions, comments, or a note to print on the receipt can be entered at this tab. These four fields correspond to the fields of the same name that are found on the Comments & Instructions tab of the View Orders screen. The data entered into the Misc. Notes field will be added to the Notes Tree that is displayed on the Notes tab of the View Orders screen.

Figure 10: Messages & Notes tab of the Manual Orders screen

The $ Payment  Tab

This tab is where the merchant can select or set other miscellaneous properties related to the order and process the payment information.


Figure 11: $ Payment tab of Manual Orders screen

Starting with the left-most side of the screen, there are several buttons and drop-down lists as follows:

The middle section of the $ Payment tab contains controls that affect the payment for the order:

The right-most section of the $ Payment tab contains fields that contain the customer's credit card information, the payment status of the order as well as the details of any payment transactions which have been executed or logged for this order  

Details - the fields in this section of the screen will be populated with information specific to the selected Payment Method

Balance Due - this section reflects the current state of payment for the order, it can also read Paid in Full or Credit Due

Save button - click this to record payment information for the order, usually Cash transactions; the button will not be active if it does not apply to the method

List Box - this box is not labeled, but it contains a list of any payment information processed for this order (Date, State, Description, Amount etc.)

The  Bottom section - Viewing the Order Details

As information is added to the order via the tabs in the middle section of the screen, the bottom of the screen will display the order details, such as the line items SKU and descriptions, whether they are in stock, their prices and payment information.

Figure 12: Manual Orders screen - line item and price details section

Select a line item from the list and use the action buttons to:

In Figure 12, two lines items have been added to the order, desk5 and chair2. Desk5 is the line item that is currently selected, as denoted by the arrow in the left-most column. Chair2 has a red background in the Shipped and Needed columns, indicating that the merchant will fill the order for this non-drop ship item by placing an order with the supplier (backordered). The merchant may have this item in stock, but has decided to obtain the item from the supplier instead. 

In the left-hand side of the bottom portion of the screen, there are many columns of information about the items that can be viewed by using the horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the list. The following types of information are available:

In the right-hand side of the bottom portion of the screen, there is information about the costs associated with the current order. The user can choose whether to process a payment for either the full amount or only for items that are in stock. The button labels also serve as headers for each column as they relate to the values in each row below:

Appendix A

Selecting a SKU on the Line Items tab

The way that products with attributes/options will be displayed on the Line Items tab, and will be eventually added as a line items at the bottom of the Manual Order screen, depends on the settings of several system parameters. The possible combinations are described as follows:

  1. If the system parameters ManualOrdersBuildSubSKUs and BuildSubSKUs are set to FALSE:

    1. the SKU drop-down list on the Line Items tab of the Manual Orders screen will contain all expanded SKUs, which can be cumbersome to scroll through if there are a large number of items in the inventory

    2. type in the beginning characters of the SKU to jump to that point in the list and speed the search

    3. select the applicable item from the drop-down and click the [Add Line Item] button.

    4. the expanded SKU is added to the SKU field on the order and nothing is added to the Option1 and Option2 fields of the order, as shown in the figure below:


  1. If the system parameter ManualOrdersBuildSubSKUs is set to TRUE and BuildSubSKUs is FALSE:

    1. the SKU drop-down list on the Line Items tab of the Manual Orders screen will only display parent SKUs in the SKU drop-down box; all sub-SKUs will be hidden

    2. select the parent SKU from the list and then select any attributes (color, size, etc.) for the item from those drop-down lists

    3. click the [Add Line Item] button and the program will add the parent SKU to the order in the SKU field and the options will be seen in the Option1, Option2.., etc. fields on the order as shown in the figure below:


  1. If the system parameters ManualOrdersBuildSubSKUs and BuildSubSKUs are both set to TRUE:

    1. the SKU drop-down list on the Line Items tab of the Manual Orders screen will only display parent SKUs in the SKU drop-down box; all sub-SKUs will be hidden

    2. select the parent SKU from the SKU drop-down list and select the attributes from the options drop-down lists (in this example, Colors and Size)

    3. the program will match the item being ordered to an existing inventory record, which will be displayed in the SubSKU field, beneath the Discount Type

    4. when the [Add Line Item] button is clicked, the matching SubSKU is entered into the SKU field on the order and the options are also listed in the Option1, Option 2...etc. fields as shown in the figure below:  

  1. If an attribute is typed into the option drop-down list and the program does not find a match, it will warn the user and add the parent SKU to the SKU field on the order and the options will be added to Option1, Option2,...etc. fields.


Click [OK] to see the result:


Note: The ManualOrderSKUFieldType system parameter (in the Manual Order parameter group) determines whether the SKU field is a text box or a combo box (i.e. drop-down list). For stores with thousands and thousands of SKUs, a drop down list is not practical; it takes a long time for the program to build the list. In this case, set the parameter to TextBox.


Created 9/13/10

Modified 7/3/14

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