In this Topic: Show
Some areas of the program utilize combo boxes or drop down lists that are populated by the user. The List Maintenance feature is the mechanism used to create and edit these lists. To access the List Maintenance screen , go to the Main Menu > [Maintenance] icon > [Maintenance] tab > [List Maintenance].
The left-hand side of the screen contains the Select List box, which displays the various lists that the Order Manager may use, most of which are optional. It is recommended that the user define the Packers and Sales People lists at a minimum.
The right-hand side of the screen contains a list box, labeled List Entries, that will display the values that make up the particular list that is selected (highlighted or clicked) in the Select List box.
One or more input fields will become visible above the List Entries box when a list is selected in the Select List section. For example, if the Do Not Ship to Phones list is highlighted in the Select List box, an input text field labeled Phone Number will appear above the List Entries section of the screen.
A [Save] button will also become visible when a list has been selected. When finished adding entries to a list, click the [Save] button to retain the changes.
To delete an entry of a particular list, highlight the list, select the entry, and click the [Delete] button.
To exit the List Maintenance screen, click the [Close] button. If changes have been made to a list and the [Save] button has not been clicked, all changes will be lost when the [Close] button is clicked.
Figure 1: The List Maintenance Screen
Choose a list from the Select List section of the screen.
Depending upon the list that is selected, one or more input fields will become visible above the List Entries section of the screen.
Enter the appropriate data in the now visible input field or fields.
When finished, click the [Save] button.
The entry will appear in the List Entries section of the screen.
To add more entries to the same list, repeat steps 3-4 as often as necessary to complete the list by simply over-typing the data that is in the input fields with the new values.
To update another list, repeat steps 1-6.
When finished, click the [Close] button to exit the List Maintenance screen.
For example, in Figure 2, the new payment term of Net 90 is being added. When the [Save] button is clicked, Net 90 will appear in the List Entries section underneath the Net 60 entry.
Figure 2: List Maintenance screen - Payment Terms list
Created: 12/7/10
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