In this Topic: Show
The Find a Product screen is the mechanism by which the user can search for a product and subsequently add that product's information to the fields in the current function screen. This form is also titled as the Search Inventory screen.
It can be accessed by the [Search SKUs] button found on several screens:
the Line Items tab of the Manual Orders screen
the RMAs, Returns and Exchanges screen
the Add Line Item screen
Or it can also be accessed by the [Search] button on the Kits tab of the View Inventory screen, as well as the default [Product Lookup] hot key (F6) in the Point of Sale ( POS ) interface.
It is also called by the [Filter] button of the Export Inventory screen, where it is titled, Select Items. The [OK, Use Selected Item] button is relabeled to read [Export Selected Items].
The Find a Product screen is divided into three sections:
Standard Fields tab - enter or select the search criteria that will be used to locate a product
Data for Selected Product/Product Image tabs - the fields on these tabs will be populated with information based on the product that is selected in the Select a Product list box
Select a Product list box - contains the list of products matching the search criteria that was entered in the Standard Fields tab
Figure 1: Find a Product Screen
The Standard Fields tab provides a wide variety of fields, for or from which criteria can be entered or selected, to narrow the search for a product record.
Enter the entire or a portion of a value that might be found in the SKU, the product Name, the product Description or the Suppliers SKU fields in the corresponding Starts With and/or Includes columns.
Select a Supplier , Category, Fulfillment Center from the drop-down lists of the same names; this assumes that Inventory Categories ( List Maintenance) and Fulfillment Centers have already been defined in the program; check the Primary Only box to only include primary suppliers in the search results when searching by Supplier.
Click a radio button to limit the search based on an In or Out of Stock condition, Current or Discontinued status, Regular Items or Boxes, as well as products that are flagged as "Do Not Sell" items.
Mark the corresponding check box to include All SKUs, or only Normal SKUs, Parent SKUs, Sub-SKUs, or Subscription SKUs in the search; the latter is only visible if the Subscription Manager add-on product from Stone Edge Technologies is installed.
Added by and Edited by check boxes allow the user to indicate whether the search should be limited to products whose item record was added or edited during the last product import.
When all selections have been made, press the [Tab] or [Enter] keys to obtain a results list in the Select a Product section of the screen.
This tab will display information about the SKU that is highlighted in the Select a Product section of the screen. The fields are not edit-able here. The information is pulled from the product's inventory record and any changes to this information would have to be made from the View Inventory screen. The fields that are shown in this tab include the following:
Description - contains the description of the item that is entered in the product's Inventory record, on the Desc./Notes tab
Price - the product's regular price as set on the Inventory record
QOH - quantity on hand for the item as calculated by the program when system parameter CheckInventory is set to TRUE
Drop Ship - identifies this SKU as one that is sent directly from a supplier to the merchant's customer
Discontinued - identifies this product as no longer being marketed; no new orders will be placed for the item with the supplier
Reorder Pt. - denotes the point at which the program should place an order for the item with the supplier (QOH units)
Reorder Qty. - denotes the number of units that the program should order when the item's Reorder Point is reached
Actual Wgt. - the weight of the product, by itself, as recorded on the Inventory record
Pub. Wgt. - the item's weight, plus the estimated weight of any additional packing materials; the weight that is normally displayed at the web site.
Fields that are not visible until a product is highlighted in the Select a Product section of the screen are:
Suppliers for this SKU - if a product has more than one supplier, they will all be listed below this heading
Suppliers SKU - the stock keeping unit that the supplier has assigned to the product
Cost - the monetary value that the supplier charges for the product; the merchant's cost for the item
On Order - if the product is currently included in an open purchase order, this field will show the number of units that are on order
QOH - this field will only be populated if the supplier's QOH information has been imported
PO Number - if the item is part of a purchase order, this field displays the number(s) of the purchase order(s)
PO Date - if the item is part of a purchase order, this field displays the date that the purchase order was created
Date Expected - this field will show the date that the items are expected to be received from the supplier
Quantity - this field shows the number of units that were requested on the purchase order(s)
This tab displays the image file that is associated with an item. The tab will only be visible if the product that is highlighted in the Select a Product section of the screen has an image file associated with it.
This section of the screen is where the products that match the search criteria entered on the Standard Fields tab will be displayed. Click on the row of a product in the list to view other information about the item in the Data for Selected Product and Product Image tabs.
The fields that are displayed in this list box are:
SKU - stock keeping unit that identifies the product
Item Name - the name that is given to the product
QOH - (Quantity On Hand) the number of units of the product that the merchant has in-house
Supplier QOH - if the merchant has imported Supplier QOH information for the selected product, that value will be displayed in this column
Above the right-hand corner of this list box there are three action buttons:
Clear Filter - removes the current search criteria from the SKU, Name, Description and Supplier SKU fields on the Standard Fields tab; all other fields have to be manually cleared to start a new search
Show All - this button will cause the program to list every product that is defined in the program, regardless of any search criteria that is entered in the Standard Fields tab
Adjust QOH - opens the View Inventory screen and allows the user to change the value of the QOH field for the selected product
When the appropriate item (whose information is to be added to the current function screen), has been located and selected in this section of the screen, click the [OK - Use Selected Item] button. The Find a Product screen will close and the current function screen will be populated with that item's information.
Created: 9/15/10
Modified: 1/17/12
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