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Avalara AvaTax OnDemand is a powerful, online sales tax compliance solution whose transaction-based service model and seamless integration into business applications provides rapid access to all jurisdiction assignments and real-time sales tax calculations.
You can use the same tax account for imported orders, manual orders, and
POS orders in a single store file, but you cannot use the same tax account
for different store data files. Each store file must have a unique tax
account or you will encounter order number conflicts.
For more information about the integration see topic Avalara Avatax Integration
System parameters can also be set using the Monsoon Stone Edge Tax System Dashboard, which opens the first time the Avalara integration initializes. Refer to the topic at the end of this page for more information about the dashboard.
Set system parameter SalesTaxSystem equal to Avalara.
Enter the account number provided by Avalara, Inc,. in system parameter AvalaraAccountNumber.
Enter the license key information provided by Avalara, Inc., in system parameter AvalaraLicenseKey.
(Optional) System parameter AvalaraTaxLocationCode is not necessarily required for all users. Avalara may have you enter a value in this field if problems are encountered.
Enter the company code provided by Avalara, Inc. in the system parameter AvalaraCompanyCode.
The production URL for Avatax is entered in AvalaraTaxSvcURL by default ( While testing the integration you can change this to another URL provided by Avalara, but be sure to change it back to the production URL when you are ready to use the tax service in production.
Enter the location of the business in TaxAddress1-3 (tax nexus).
Enter the TaxCity, TaxState, TaxZip, and TaxCountry where your business is located (tax nexus).
Enter the states for which sales tax is collected in the list of Sales Tax States, found at:
Main Menu>Settings>Data Functions>List Maintenance
Review system parameter SalesTaxStatesListUsage. Stone Edge may or may not send tax information to Avalara, based on the setting of this new system parameter.
If you are using different tax service accounts for different shopping carts, be sure to enter the appropriate account and nexus information in the cart-based parameters for those shopping carts. If you use the same tax account for imported, Manual, and POS orders, you do not need to use the cart-based parameters.
Set parameter CartTaxTransactionType. This parameter describes the nature of the sales tax transaction at the shopping cart, and whether a tax system such as Avalara was used. (This is the same concept as WebTransactionType, but for tax transactions rather than payment transactions.)
Be sure to review the values in parameters DefaultNonTaxableTaxClass, DefaultProductTaxClass, DefaultShippingTaxClass, and DefaultSurchargeTaxClass, and make changes if necessary.
The POS system uses the settings found in several parameter groups (Sales Tax, Orders, and POS).
If you wish to use different tax accounts for imported orders, use the cart-based parameters to enter different tax account information for specific shopping carts.
Enter the account number provided by Avalara, Inc,. in system parameter AvalaraAccountNumber.
Enter the license key information provided by Avalara, Inc., in system parameter AvalaraLicenseKey.
(Optional) System parameter AvalaraTaxLocationCode is not necessarily required for all users. AvaTax may have you enter a value in this field if problems are encountered.
Enter the company code provided by Avalara, Inc. in the system parameter AvalaraCompanyCode.
The production URL for Avatax is entered in AvalaraTaxSvcURL by default ( While testing the integration you can change this to another URL provided by Avalara, but be sure to change it back to the production URL when you are ready to use the tax service in production.
Set POSSalesTaxSystem to Avalara. Select Save.
Enter the address of the business in POSTaxAddress1-3 (tax nexus).
Enter the POSTaxCity, POSTaxState, POSTaxZip, and POSTaxCountry where your business is located (tax nexus).
Set parameter POSGetTaxForEachItem to control when sales tax is calculated, as items are added or when you go to the Payment Terminal.
Be sure to review the values in parameters DefaultNonTaxableTaxClass, DefaultProductTaxClass, DefaultShippingTaxClass, and DefaultSurchargeTaxClass, and make changes if necessary.
The Manual Orders system uses the global Sales Tax system parameters by default.
If you wish to use different tax accounts for imported orders, use the cart-based parameters to enter different tax information for the affected shopping carts.
If you attribute Manual Orders to a specific shopping cart, and want to use the same tax account the cart uses, set parameter ManualOrdersUseCartTaxSystem to TRUE.
To control when the program calculates sales tax for Manual Orders, set system parameter ManualOrdersGetTaxForEachItem.
Set system parameter SalesTaxSystem equal to Avalara.
Enter the account number provided by Avalara, Inc,. in system parameter AvalaraAccountNumber.
Enter the license key information provided by Avalara, Inc., in system parameter AvalaraLicenseKey.
(Optional) System parameter AvalaraTaxLocationCode is not necessarily required for all users. AvaTax may have you enter a value in this field if problems are encountered.
Enter the company code provided by Avalara, Inc. in the system parameter AvalaraCompanyCode.
The production URL for Avatax is entered in AvalaraTaxSvcURL by default ( While testing the integration you can change this to another URL provided by Avalara, but be sure to change it back to the production URL when you are ready to use the tax service in production.
Enter the business address in TaxAddress1-3 (tax nexus).
Enter the TaxCity, TaxState, TaxZip, and TaxCountry for the tax nexus where your business is located.
Enter the states for which sales tax is collected in the list of Sales Tax States, found at:
Main Menu>Settings>Data Functions>List Maintenance
Review system parameter SalesTaxStatesListUsage. Stone Edge may or may not send tax information to Avalara, based on the setting of this new system parameter.
Set ManualOrdersSalesTaxSystem to Avalara to use the tax service for manually entered phone, mail, or faxed orders.
Be sure to review the values in parameters DefaultNonTaxableTaxClass, DefaultProductTaxClass, DefaultShippingTaxClass, and DefaultSurchargeTaxClass, and make changes if necessary.
Review the full Knowledge Base article, Sales Tax System Parameters, to configure any remaining tax-related parameters as appropriate for your business.
Stone Edge Commits the sales tax charges in AvaTax when an order is Approved.
Regardless of the state of the transaction, it is possible to make changes to sales tax charged on an order.
Un-approve the order.
Make the necessary changes to the order.
Re-approve the order.
Stone Edge tells AvaTax to refund the tax on the previous transaction when the order is un-approved.
Stone Edge submits a new transaction to Avatax when the order is reapproved.
The merchant incurs an additional charge for each subsequent commit when
changes are made.
If Stone Edge encounters an error processing an AvaTax transaction, a note is added to the order and the order is not approved. If the error occurs during order import, the failure is recorded in the Reasons for Review and the order is not approved.
If you attempt to use the same tax account with two different store files, you may encounter order number conflicts which prevent the program from processing taxes properly. Each store file must have its own unique tax account.
More information about Avalara can be found here.
If the Windows Firewall is turned on, be sure to configure it to allow the Stone Edge program file access to pass through the Firewall in order to contact the AvaTax Service. The default location of the program file is in C:\StoneEdge.
Windows 7: To determine if the Windows Firewall is turned on, go to Start>Control Panel>System and Security>Windows Firewall and check the setting. If it is on, select the Allow a program through the Windows Firewall and then select Change Settings. Select Allow another program.. and then select Browse and navigate to the location of the program file. Select OK to have it added to the list of exceptions.
Third Party Firewalls - consult the vendor's documentation for instructions on allowing a program access through the fire wall.
Monsoon Stone Edge Tax System Dashboard V75
Monsoon Stone Edge Tax System Dashboard V8
Created: 1/27/15
Revised: 6/25/15