
Contents of this Topic: Show


Main Menu>>Create a New Order>For a New Customer

Main Menu>>Create a New Order>For an Existing Customer

Main Menu>Process My Orders>View and Process My Orders>Order>Add Order


Main Menu>Settings>Report Functions>Email Template Editor

Description of the Quotes Screen

Quotes screen: Current Quote tab

Quotes screen: Find a Quote tab


Current Quote Tab

This is a new Quote Radio Button

I've made revisions to an existing Quote Radio Button

Optional Reference # Field

Print ____ Copies Field

Save Button

Cancel Button

Find a Quote Tab

Show: Radio Buttons

Not Used Yet
Used for Order(s)

View Selected Button

Delete Button

Quote # Field

Reference #

Search Button

Clear Filter Button

Sort AZ ZA Buttons

Creating a Quote

  1. Go to the Manual Orders screen. Enter all customer and product information as if a regular order is being placed, but do not enter payment information.

  2. When all of the customer and product data is entered, select Quotes.

  3. If desired, enter an optional Reference # that can be used to search for the quote at a later date.

  4. If a printed copy of the quote is requested, enter the number of copies in the Print ___ Copies  field.

  5. Select Save Quote to create the quote.

Converting a Quote to an Order

  1. Go to the Manual Orders screen and select Quotes.

  2. Locate the quote to be converted to an order by selecting the Find a Quote tab and entering a Quote # or Reference # in the fields of the same name or by selecting Search to enter other search criteria.

  3. Select View Selected to open the quote at the Manual Orders screen.

  4. Make any necessary changes, such as adding payment information. Select the Payment link at the top of the screen, or use the "Continue to" buttons at the bottom of the screen.

  5. When done entering order information continue to the Summary screen. Select Save Order.

  6. The program prompts the user asking if the quote should be saved as an order. To proceed, select OK.

  7. Otherwise, select Cancel for it to remain in the system as a quote.

System Parameters Associated with Quotes


Additional Information

Email Template Editor

Manual Orders

Search for Quotes

Set System Parameters


Created: 3/13/12

Revised: 9/18/14

Published: 08/19/15