How to Process an Unsolicited Return

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Unsolicited returns are created in the Monsoon Fulfillment Manager and sent to the Monsoon Order Manager where they can be matched with a specific order or RMA.

It is possible to associate multiple items from an unsolicited return with one or more orders or RMAs through the Unsolicited Returns Processing screen.  


  1. Go to Main Menu>Process My Orders>Process>Show Alerts.
  2. Double-click the Message field of an unsolicited return in the Sync Alerts screen to open the Unsolicited Returns Processing screen.
  3. Use Customer Lookup to find the appropriate customer record and fill in any missing customer information.
  4. Make a selection in Associate Return With: to review RMAs or Orders from this customer as potential sources of the return.
    1. RMAs
      1. The program searches for RMAs in the last 30 days by default, but you can increase the number of days by entering a higher value (up to 9999) in Search past ___ days and selecting Refresh.
      2. If a matching RMA is found, select its row in Associate Return With: and select the appropriate line item from Details. Quantity to Associate is set to the number of units which are authorized to be returned. If fewer items are received, change the value accordingly before selecting Associate. If there are multiple items returned in the quantities expected and you wish to associate them all with the same RMA, select Associate All Remaining instead.
      3. The selections are now listed in Associations. If you wish to make a change to one or more associations, you can select them individually and click Remove Association. If you wish to change all of the associations, select Start Over instead.
      4. When satisfied with your associations, select Save.
  1. Orders
    1. The program searches for orders in the last 30 days by default, but you can increase the number of days by entering a higher value (up to 9999) in Search past ___ days and selecting Refresh.
    2. If matching orders are found, they are listed in Associate Return With:. Select the row of an order and select the appropriate line item from Details. Quantity to Associate If fewer items are received, change the value accordingly before selecting Associate. If there are multiple items returned in the quantities expected and you wish to associate them all with the same RMA, select Associate All Remaining instead.
    3. The selections are now listed in Associations. If you wish to make a change to one or more associations, you can select them individually and click Remove Association. If you wish to change all of the associations, select Start Over instead.
    4. When satisfied with your associations, select Save.
    1. The Unsolicited Return Processing screen closes and you are back at the Sync Alerts screen.
    2. Select OK in the row of the Unsolicited Return which was processed and select Acknowledge Selected to remove it from the list of unhandled alerts.
    3. The quantities of the returned items are reflected in the order details of the affected order at Process Orders.


Additional information

RMAs, Exchanges and Returns

Unsolicited Returns OM

Created: 5/7/15

Revised: 8/7/15

Published: 08/19/15