Receiving Purchase Order Inventory

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How to Receive Purchase Order Inventory

  1. Go to Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Manage My Purchase Orders>Receive Inventory.

  2. Select Receive Inventory.

  3. Select Receive Against a Purchase Order, which opens the Select Purchase Orders screen.

  4. Select a Supplier and optionally, enter a specific PO Number. If no PO Number is entered, all eligible purchase orders for the selected supplier are listed.

  5. Select Receive for the purchase order(s) for which you want to receive inventory in the Open POs for Selected Supplier section. Select Select All to select all purchase orders in the list.

  6. Select Receive, which opens the Receive Inventory screen.

  7. Use one or more of the methods below to select the items to receive:

    1. Click Receive All to move all Expected Items to the Tentative List of Received Items area.

    2. Double-click the LocalSKU you wish to receive in the Expected Items list to add it, with the expected quantity, to the Tentative List of Received Items.

    3. Type the SKU of the item you want to receive in the Local SKU field at the top of the screen, or scan the Barcode. Enter the quantity that has been received in the # Received field. Then, select the Receive button in the Expected Items section of the window. The item information appears in the bottom area of your screen. If you attempt to receive more than was ordered, the system will ask if you want to receive the higher quantity.

If you scan a SKU that appears multiple times in the Expected Items list, the system first looks to see if there is a PO number in the Current PO # field – if so; it receives that SKU from that PO. If the Current PO # field is empty, the system receives the first instance of that SKU found in the Expected Items list.

If you scan or enter an item that is not in the current list of Expected Items, but is present in OMS ’s inventory, and it is assigned to the current supplier, the program will ask if you want to receive that item even though it is not expected.

If you scan an item that is not present in your inventory, the program will give you an option to add it as a new product.

    1. Click Add New SKU if you have to receive an item that is not currently in your inventory data. The program displays the Add New Product screen where you can enter the basic information about the product.

  1. You can modify the # Received and Actual Cost fields in the Tentative List of Received Items.

  2. You can also select Print Labels for all items received to automatically print barcode labels for the Tentative List of Received Items. The format of the labels is controlled by the system parameter BarcodeLabelTemplate.

  3. When all of the data for the items you have received is entered, click Post Data. The system displays the Select a Printer dialog box so that you can print the Receive Inventory report.

  4. Select your printing options and click Print. The system marks the indicated items as received and adds the quantity into your store’s inventory.

Note: The system closes the PO automatically if all items are received. You can select the Close PO button if there are Expected Items remaining that will not ever be received. The system asks you to confirm the deletion of all remaining Expected records for the PO. Select Yes if you wish to proceed. You should only close a PO manually if you are sure that you will not receive the remaining Expected Items.

  1. Select Close to exit the Purchase Orders screen.

Additional Information

Add New Product

Creating Purchase Orders

Entering or Importing Tracking Information for Drop-Ship Purchase Orders

Entering Puchase Order Invoices


Purchase Orders

Revising a Purchase Order


Created: 7/20/12

Revised:  7/23/12

Published: 04/14/16