Pack Orders

Contents of this Topic: Show


Main Menu >Ship My Orders > Pack My Orders

Description of the Screen

Pack Orders screen


Select Packer Drop-down List

Scan or enter Order # Field

Start Over Button

Close Button

Customer Name Field

Shipping Method Field

Ship To Field

Comments Field

Purge all packing data prior to MM/DD/YY Check Box

A-Z Ascending and Z-A Descending  Buttons

Show: Section

Remaining Button

All Button

SKU Field

Quantity Field

Log as Packed Button

Datasheet Grid

This section of the screen lists each of the line items contained in the order. Double-click in the SKU or Product columns of a row to have the program put that item's SKU in the SKU text field. The user must manually enter the number of units in the Quantity field. Click the Log as Packed button.

SKU Column

Product Column

Ordered Column

Shipped Column

Packed Column

Additional Information


List Maintenance


Set System Parameters



Revised: 6/14/12

Published: 04/14/16