
Contents of this Topic: Show


Main Menu>Ship My Orders>Ship My Orders

Description of the QuickShip Screen

QuickShip screen

Packer Drop-down List

Set finished Order Status to Drop-down List

Close Button

Build List of Orders Section

This section of the screen works much like the Multi-Order Processor screen in that the user builds a list of orders by entering selection criteria in one or more of the following fields:

Order # Field

Orders Status Drop-down List

Quick Filter Drop-down List

Cart Drop-down List

Web Order # Drop-down List

Search Button

Clear List Button

Details Section

View Order Button

View Customer Button

Send Email Button

Ordering Instructions Field

Comments Field

Ship To: Field

Edit Button

Validate Button

Phone Field

Telephone Button

Email Drop-down List

MaxMind Fraud Score Field and Button

Shipping Method Drop-down List

$ Button

COD $ Field

Set Button

Declared Value Field

Set Ship Date To Field

Calendar Button

Desc of Goods Field

Pack Drop-down List


Box Drop-down List

Size (inches) Field

Weight Field

Scale Button

Zero Scale Button

Residential? Check Box

Saturday Delivery? Check Box

Have Shipper Send Email? Check Box

Invoices Field

Packing Slips Field

Print Button

Print Shipping Label Button

Using the Quick Ship Screen

  1. Set system parameter, PackingAllowQuickShip to TRUE.

  2. Open the QuickShip screen by going to Main Menu>Accordion>Ship My Orders>Ship My Orders

  3. Select the name of the packer from the drop-down list or set system parameter PackingSetToCurrentUser to TRUE to have the Packer field automatically populated with the ID of the current user.

  4. Optional: Choose a status label to be assigned to the orders when they have been packed. It might be best to create a custom status label of "Packed" and select that from the list. Refer to Status Events for more information.

  5. Build the list of orders to be packed and shipped. For example, choose the Quick Filter Approved Orders with No Date Shipped to create the list of orders. Additional orders could be added to the list by using the other fields in the Build List of Orders section of the screen or the Search button.   

  6. Select (click the row of) an order in the list to view its line items in the Details section.

  7. Edit or Validate the shipping address and review or change the shipping method if necessary.

  8. Check the settings or values of the other fields on this screen and update as needed.

  9. If a scale is configured, place the shipping box containing the items on the scale and click the Scale button to get the weight. If a scale is not being used the weight from the inventory record is displayed in the Weight field.

  10. To print Invoices and Packing Slips, enter a number greater than 0 in those fields and click the Print button.

  11.  Finally, select the Print "Carrier" Label button to print a shipping label from the appropriate shipping carrier.

  12. Seal the box, affix the label and set the box aside for the carrier's driver to pickup at the end of the day.

  13. Repeat steps 6-12 for the next order in the list and continue until all orders in the list have been processed.  

Additional Information

Main Menu

Set System Parameters


Created: 5/4/12

Revised: 1/5/15

Published: 04/14/16