How to Use the Global Editor

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Using the Global Editor

  1. Open the Global Editor screen by going to:

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>View & Manage My Inventory>Global Editor

Main Menu>Manage My Inventory > View & Manage My Inventory>Multi-record & Price Editor> Global Editor button  

  1. Choose the field whose contents are to be changed from the Change this field: drop-down list.

  2. The To: field will become visible. Make the appropriate selections for the change type.

  3. To update all inventory records with this change, make sure the In all records check box is checked. Skip to step 7.

  4. If only a limited number of records are to be updated, clear the box and continue on to the next step.

  5. Choose additional filtering criteria in the In records where: section of the screen to limit the records that will be affected by the change.

  1. The first column of drop-down lists contain all of the available choices of OMS fields to use as selection criteria.

  1. The second column contains drop-down lists of "operators" that will be applied when filtering the record set based on the criteria that was entered in the drop-down list in the first column. Some of the operators are: equals, does not equal, includes, does not include, is empty, greater than, less than, or begins with, etc. The operators that are available will change depending on the type of field that is selected in the first column drop-down list.

  2. In some cases, additional selection fields may appear in a third column, depending on the OMS field and conditional operator that is chosen in the first and second columns.

  1. When the target group of records has been properly established, click the [Perform Edit] button to make the changes in each of the records in the target group.

  2. The program will prompt for verification prior to making the change.

  3. Click [OK] to execute the change.

  4. The program will indicate the success or failure of the process. Click [OK] to conclude the process.

Example 1: Making Changes with Simple Filtering (single criterion)

Example 2: Making Changes with Complex Filtering (more than one selection criteria)

Example 3: Making Changes with No Record Filtering

Additional Information

Global Editor


Created: 4/11/11

Revised: 6/11/12

Published: 04/14/16