FedEx Ship Manager Integration (Cafe)

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SQL Store Data Files: Preliminary Setup Steps (Enterprise Edition only)

Enterprise Edition users who use an SQL database as a their OMS store data file must perform some additional steps that are not necessary when an MS Access database is used.

If you are not an Enterprise user or do not use an SQL database, skip to MS Access Store Data File: Define an ODBC Connection and continue with those instructions.

Create an Intermediary Database and Link Tables from the Order Manager's Store File

  1. Launch Microsoft Access.

  2. Create a blank MS Access database (File>New>Blank Database) named OMExternalShipping.mdb, or something similar, in the C:\StoneEdge directory of the workstation where FedEx Ship Manager is installed.

  1. Open the newly created database and go to File > External Data> ODBC Database.

  1. Select Link to the data source by creating a linked table and click OK.  

  1. The Select Data Source dialog opens.

  1. Click on the Machine Data Source tab and locate the System DSN for the Order Manager's store data file (which was created when the SQL database was converted from an MS Access database).

It should be noted that the Order Manager is a 32-bit application and an ODBC connection made through the Order Manager (Convert to SQL process, Worldship Setup function ) will not be visible via the default ODBC Data Source Administrator utility of a 64-bit Operating system. Refer to Knowledge Base topic, Windows 64-Bit Operating System Considerations, for instructions on locating the compatible 32-bit ODBC utility.

  1. Select the correct DSN and click OK.

  2. The Link Tables dialog opens.

  1. While holding either the Shift or Ctrl keys down, select the tables, dbo.Orders and dbo.ShippingMethods, and click OK.

  2. The OMExternalShipping: Database screen appears, showing the linked tables.

Import the Shipping Information Query (WorldshipOrdersSQL) into the Intermediary Database

Although, the shipping information query has "Worldship" in it's name, this same query is also used for any external shipping software package that supports the use of an ODBC connection, such as FedEx Ship Manager or DHL DBConnect, etc.  

  1. From the MS Access menu (not pictured), select File > External Data > Import & Link > Access.

  1. Click Browse and navigate to the Order Manager's program file (SEOrdManEnt2007.mdb).

  1. Click Browse and navigate to the Order Manager's program file (SEOrdManEnt2007.mdb).

  1. Select Import tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and modules into the current database. Click OK.

  2. The Import Objects dialog opens, select the Queries tab.

  1. Select WorldshipOrdersSQL, and click OK.

  2. If you want to Save the Import Steps, select that box.

  1. Click Close.

  2. The WorldshipOrdersSQL query is now listed in the Queries section of the OMExternalShipping database.

Define an ODBC Connection for the Intermediary Database

  1. Create a new System DSN for the OMExternalShipping database, using the 32-bit version of the ODBC Data Source Administrator utility.

  2. Windows XP users simply go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC). If a 64-bit edition of Windows is used, review the Knowledge Base topic Windows 64-bit Operating System Considerations for information about how to execute the 32-bit compatible utility.

  3. When the ODBC Data Source Administrator form appears, click Add.

  1. At the Create New Data Source screen, select Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) from the list of Name(s).

  1. Click Finish.

  2. The ODBC Microsoft Access Setup screen opens. Enter a meaningful name in the Data Source Name field, and optionally, a description.

  3. Click Select and navigate to the location of the database created in step 2 (OMExternalShipping.mdb) of section, Create an Intermediary Database and Link Tables in OMS 's Store File.

  1. Click the OK buttons on the Select Database screen and the ODBC Microsoft Access Setup screen.

  2. The user is returned to the ODBC Source Administrator screen, where the new connection is visible.

  1. Continue on to section MS Access Store Data File: Define an ODBC Connection and complete those instructions.

MS Access Store Data File: Define an ODBC Connection

An ODBC connection to OMS 's store data file must be created on each workstation where Ship Manager will be used to print shipping labels for OMS orders.

If an ODBC connection to the store data file has already been defined for some other purpose, such as for use with another external shipping application, it is possible to use that same ODBC definition in conjunction with Ship Manager. In that case, skip to Configuring FedEx Ship Manager and follow those instructions. Otherwise, complete the following steps:

  1. Go to Main Menu > Settings > System Functions > Store Setup Wizard > Shipping.

  1. Click Create System DSN/ODBC Connection.  

  1. The Enter name for System DSN dialog box opens.

  1. Enter a name for the ODBC connection between Ship Manager and your store's data file, such as "OMSTOREDATAFILE". The name cannot have spaces or punctuation in it. If more than one store file is used, and you will be printing labels for orders from both stores through FedEx Ship Manager, it might be helpful to use the store name in the System DSN to easily tell them apart.

Be aware that an ODBC connection made through OMS (Shipping Setup Wizard or UPS WorldShip Setup) is 32-bit and is not visible via the default Data Connections utility in the Administrative Tools section of the Control Panel of a 64-bit Windows operating system. Refer to Windows 64-Bit Operating System Considerations, for more information.

Microsoft Access is a 32-bit application and cannot use an ODBC connection created in 64-bit mode.

  1. Click OK create the ODBC connection. Make a note of the name as you will need it later when setting up Ship Manager.

  2. The program pops a message box to indicate the creation of the ODBC connection and the addition of the WorldShip queries to the OMS store data file.  

  3. Click OK to acknowledge the end of the process.

Configuring FedEx Ship Manager

Once the FedEx Ship Manager application has been downloaded and installed,you can create an Integration Profile to complete the connection between OMS and Ship Manager.

Creating a FedEx Ship Manager Integration Profile

  1. Launch the Ship Manager software.

  2. Select Integration from the menu and click FedEx ® Integration Assistant.

  1. At the Welcome > Introduction screen, click Continue (not pictured).

  2. At the  Welcome > Before You Begin screen, click Continue (not pictured).

  3. At the Begin > Create screen, select Create a New Profile and then click Continue (not pictured).

  1. At the Begin > Integration Type screen, select Both Import and Export] and click Continue, pictured below.

  1. At the Import>Source screen, select ODBC and then select the radio button that represents the proper ODBC Data Source Name (which depends on the type of database is used for the OMS store data file):

If you use an SQL database as your OMS store file:

If you use an MS Access database as your OMS store data file:

  1. Click Continue.

  2. At the Import > Shipping screen, it is recommended that you select Yes for all of the settings on this page.

  1. Click Continue.

  2. At the Import > Lookup screen, select After I enter a lookup value and click Continue (not pictured).

  1. At the Import > Information screen, complete the Recipient and Package field lists.

    1. Click Recipient and select all of the fields in the table below:

Address 1 Address 2
City Company
Contact Name Country
Phone Postal Code
State/Province ID


    1. Click Return to close the Recipient form.

    2. Click Package and select the fields listed in the following table:

Bill Transportation To Customer Reference
Package Type Residential Delivery Flag
Service Type Weight

It is necessary to use the vertical scroll bar to locate some of these fields, which are not all visible in the image below.

    1. Click OK.

  1. At the Import > Match screen, map the fields in your store's data file with the corresponding fields in Ship Manager as shown in the table below:

The WorldShipOrders table is used for any external shipping software integration, not just for UPS WorldShip.

  1. While still at the Import > Match screen, click Select Index after all of the OMS fields have been mapped to the corresponding Ship Manager fields.

  2. The Primary Index screen opens. Click Tables at the bottom of the page.

  3. A list of fields found in the WorldShipOrders table appear in the Lookup dialog box.

  4. Select the Order Number field from the list and then click OK. A colored line will appear to indicate the relationship has been made.

  1. Click Continue and proceed to the Import > Conversion screen.

  2. Click Service Type to map the names of FedEx Ship Manager method names (radio buttons) to your OMS shipping methods (drop-down lists). Use the vertical scroll bars to see additional shipping methods.

  1. For each FedEx shipping method that you use, click its radio button in the FedEx list, To (FSM value), and select the corresponding shipping method name from the adjacent drop-down list in the OMS method name list, From (your value).

  2. Click Continue to proceed to the Export > Destination screen. This is where the export map gets created.

Remember, if you use an SQL database as your OMS store file, the ODBC connection used for the ShipManager export map should point to the store data file, not the intermediary database.

  1. Click Continue to proceed to the Export > Method screen.

  1.  It is recommended to select the settings as shown in the image above:

At the end of day

Insert a new record

  1. Click Continue to proceed to the Export > Information screen.

  2. Click Tracking Number on the side of the screen and select the field labeled Tracking Number (not pictured).

  3. Click Return and then select Package.

  4. Select the box labeled Customer Reference.

  1. Click OK to proceed to the Export > Match screen and map the following fields:

FedEx Field Name 

Select a Table 

Select a Field

Tracking Number 



Customer Reference 



  1. Click Continue to proceed to the Finish > Summary screen, which shows a summary of the integration profile.

  2. To review or change the settings that have been made, click Edit next to any of the sections.

  1. If satisfied with the settings, click Continue to proceed to the Finish > Instructions screen.

  2. Click Finish. The application prompts you to provide a name for the new integration profile.

  1. Enter a name that clearly distinguishes the profile as being related to OMS store data file, and click Save.

  2. Click Finish to complete the integration between FedEx ShipManager and OMS .

  3. At that time, the ShipManager software opens the Lookup Value screen.

  1. Enter the number of an approved OMS order in the Lookup: field and click OK.

  2. The ShipManager screen is populated with the shipping information pulled from OMS , and you are ready to print a shipping label.

Using the FedEx ShipManager Software with SEOM

 Once the integration steps have been completed, to print OMS shipping labels through ShipManager, follow these steps:

    1. Launch the FedEx ShipManager software.

    2. Click on the [Integration] menu item and select the name of the profile that was created during the setup process from the drop-down list. Refer to step 33 in the previous section.

    3. The Lookup Value dialog box opens.

    4. Enter the OMS order number of an approved order and press [OK].

    5. The order information populates the screen.

    6. Review the fields for accuracy and print the label.

Additional Information

Windows 64-Bit Operating System Considerations

Created: 9/26/11

Revised: 5/29/13

Published: 04/14/16