Version 7.0
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Endicia DAZzle is a PC -based application used to print shipping labels for packages sent by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). You can also design envelopes and labels with DAZzle.
Endicia's Premium Service is a low-cost system that includes DAZzle, and is required to interface directly with SEOM. The program cannot communicate directly with Endicia Standard Service; you must have Endicia Premium Service.
Once an account for Endicia Premium Service is established, DAZzle must be installed on each workstation that prints shipping labels. SEOM is not designed to share a single instance of DAZzle across a LAN .
Whether the user chooses to have SEOM send shipping address information to DAZzle by the individual order or in batches, SEOM receives the tracking information for the shipment as soon as the labels are printed, if the Delivery Confirmation check box is selected on the Print DAZzle Labels screen . Set system parameter DazzleDefaultDeliveryConf to TRUE to check this box by default.
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When postage is printed via DAZzle with the test mode turned off, "live” postage is being printed. It is VERY IMPORTANT to make sure that your shipping methods and weights are correct prior to printing shipping labels. Refunds for misprinted postage, if possible, must be arranged through Endicia. Stone Edge Technologies Inc. is not responsible for any lost or incorrectly printed postage. |
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The most current version of DAZzle allows the user to choose the location of the layout files, which may result in the DAZzle executable file being in a different directory than the layout files. Stone Edge Order Manager expects to find them in the same location (C:\Program Files\Envelope Manager\DAZzle). Copy all of the layouts or just the ones you expect to use to the DAZzle installation folder before attempting to configure Endicia DAZzle in Stone Edge Order Manager. |
Go to Main Menu>Settings>Store Setup Wizard.
Click the Shipping link and go to Page 3.
Select the button labeled USPS next to Show shipping methods for:.
To add a new USPS shipping method:
Locate the Carrier's
Name for the carrier's type of shipping method (e.g. First Class
Mail) to be defined and click the plus sign
on the right-hand side of its row to create a new record in the
Enter Your Name for the shipping method in the new row.
Check the box labeled Use this Method.
Select a layout from the Dazzle Layout drop-down list. This list is not populated until the first label is actually printed by Dazzle. The layout can be selected at the Print DAZzle Label screen when you actually attempt to print the first shipping label.
Enter "Dazzle" (without the quotes) into the Export File field.
Repeat steps 4a - 4e for all of your USPS shipping methods. Be sure to enter a shipping method to match every USPS shipping method used in your shopping cart(s).
Click the Save and Exit button to save your change(s) and exit the Store Setup Wizard.
To edit an existing shipping method:
Go to the third page of the Shipping section of the Store Setup Wizard.
Click the USPS button.
Locate the desired USPS shipping method from the list.
Make the necessary changes.
When finished, click the Save and Exit button to exit the Store Setup Wizard.
Go to Main Menu>Process My Orders>View and Process My Orders>Shipping tab
Navigate to the order for which a USPS shipping label is to be printed.
Click on the Shipping & Tracking link.
Click the Print Shipping Label button.
If a USPS shipping method has been assigned to the order, the Print DAZzle Label screen opens:
Print DAZzle Label screen - Shipping Options tab
Modify the shipping method and/or selected options on the Shipping Options tab as desired.
**Important Note: Confirm the package weight in pounds or ounces; this information must be accurate to print a valid shipping label and postage.
Complete the Customs Information for International Shipments tab if the package is being shipped overseas. For more information on international shipping with DAZzle, see the Knowledge Base article, Shipping Internationally with DAZzle.
Print DAZzle Label screen - Customs Information for International Shipments tab
When all pertinent data is entered, click the Send to DAZzle button. SEOM sends the order information to Endicia for processing. A message box with DAZzle’s response will be displayed.
If DAZzle generates a delivery confirmation number, SEOM stores it in a new tracking record for the order. If SEOM is configured to send data to the Order Status Service, to email customers and/or to set Actual Ship Dates when tracking numbers are imported, the program performs these actions at this time.
To print a batch of shipping labels, rather than printing them individually by order, it is necessary to configure the SEOM Dazzle Batch feature. When this feature is enabled, orders with USPS shipping methods are add to the DAZzle Batch Queue as they are approved, and await transmission to DAZzle at a later time.
Shipping labels can be added to the DAZzle Batch at the Process Orders screen or via the Multi-Order Processor.
Prior to sending the data to DAZzle, the user has the ability to make changes to some of the shipment details via the DAZzle Batch Review screen, which is accessed via:
Main Menu>Settings>Shipping Functions>Process DAZzle Batch
Set system parameter UseDazzleBatch to TRUE.
Make sure that all of the USPS shipping methods have "Dazzle" entered in the Shipping Export File/ Export File field, as mentioned previously in this article.
Approve an order that is assigned a USPS shipping method.
Go to the Main Menu>Settings>Shipping Functions>Process DAZzle Batch
The DAZzle Batch Review screen opens and the newly approved order(s) are listed, as shown below:
DAZzle Batch Review screen
Make any necessary changes to weight, declared value, etc. Use the horizontal bar at the bottom of the screen to scroll to the right and see more fields.
Use the Select All button to mark all of the shipping labels in the batch to be Cancelled or the Clear All button to de-select all of the shipping labels in the batch from being Cancelled.
Check the box labeled Include international shipments to have those labels printed with the rest of the batch. If that box is not checked the user will have to select each international order individually and then use the Print Selected Order button to print the shipping label.
Use the Delete button to remove an order from the DAZzle batch.
Check the Subtract boxes from inventory box if you are tracking the QOH of boxes (as inventory items) in SEOM.
Click the Send Batch to Dazzle button to begin the transfer of data from SEOM to DAZzle (Endicia). The program waits for DAZzle to process the request and then a message box with DAZzle’s response will be displayed (happens for each order in the batch).
If SEOM is configured to send data to the Order Status Service, to email customers and/or to set Actual Ship Dates when tracking numbers are imported, the program also performs these actions at this time.
At the end of the process, SEOM provides the user an opportunity to view and/or print the data contained in the batch. To print the data, click File>Print while the data is displayed on your screen.
If a problem is encountered while printing a shipping label, it may be necessary to review the XML that is transferred between the two programs SEOM and Endicia Dazzle) to determine if the problem lies on the SEOM side or at Endicia.
By default, when printing labels at the Process Orders screen the XML going from SEOM to Endicia DAZzle is stored in a temporary file located in the C:\Temp directory, with the filename of TempOM2Dazzle or OM2Dazzle. Likewise, the XML coming back from Endicia is also stored in the C:\Temp directory, but the filename is TempDazzle2OM or Dazzle2OM.
If the problem occurs during DAZzle Batch processing, the program does not save the XML file at the end of the process, so it may be necessary go to the C:\Temp folder and print the file while the process is still running.
Open the XML file with Wordpad or an XML editor to verify that the data in the XML matches the specifications that were entered in SEOM.
If the problem is determined to be on Endicia's end, Tech Support may request that the user send the XML file to for resolution.
For self-help with DAZzle, visit their web site.
Revised: 1/5/15
Published: 04/13/16