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The Order Manager offers three methods by which email can be sent from the program: use the default email program that is installed on the workstation, use MS Outlook exclusively, or use the Order Manager's built-in SMTP service. Communication encryption protocols SSL and TLS are supported by the program. The user can select their preferences via the Email section of the Store Setup Wizard.
The program is able to send email in plain text, HTML or both; however, system parameter EmailSendMethod, must be set to Order Manager for the program to send email in HTML format.
The recipient sees the message in the format in which their email application is configured to use. Thirteen sample email templates are provided with the purchase of the program, and it is also possible for users to create their own custom templates by way of the Email Template Editor feature.
There are many locations within the program from which email can be sent. The common user interface is the Send Email screen , where the user can view or dynamically alter the content of the email before it is sent; however some locations require the setting of system parameters in order to send email in the background. Refer to the Knowledge Base topic, Email Parameter Group, to review all of the possible settings for configuring the manner in which the Order Manager processes email.
The method that the program will use to generate and send email relies on the setting of the system parameter, EmailSendMethod. The choices are:
this selection tells the Order Manager specifically to use MS Outlook as the application that should be used to send email
do not choose this selection if Outlook is not installed and configured on each workstation that may send email from the Order Manager
this method can also be problematic, especially when batch processing generates emails, because of security changes that have been implemented in the application, which cause a warning message ("another program is trying to use Outlook to send email") to which the user must reply before an email can be sent by the Order Manager
if this method is selected, the Order Manager's integrated SMTP service will be used to send email
this method requires access to a valid SMTP server, such as the server used by an ISP , for example, Comcast or Verizon; an alternate SMTP server can also be defined for use if the primary server is unavailable
configure the remaining Email system parameters, as needed to suit the business's needs; those which are directly related to using this email method are listed in Appendix A
since this method does not use a regular email application, it does not save a copy of outgoing email messages to a Sent Items folder; to keep a copy of all outgoing correspondence, send a blind carbon copy (bcc) to one of your business's email addresses and create a rule in the email application to direct those bcc emails to a separate mail folder, instead of the general In Box, for future reference
After you have set up the Order Manager to send email to your customers when an event occurs, you may want to verify that your settings are correct. The easiest way to do this is to add the body of an email as a note in the order record. To do this, go to the Email group in System Parameters (Main Menu>Maintenance Menu>Set System Parameters). Set the following parameters accordingly:
AddEmailToNotes - Set to True so that the Order Manager stores the body of an email in a note.
AddNoteWhenEmailSent - Set to True to save the data and time an email was sent in a note.
Attachments can only be added to email messages when the EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager". In that case, it is possible to attach a variety of file structures to an email by manually using the [Attachment] button found on the Send Email screen.
Adobe Acrobat PDF files can be created by the Order Manager using the PDFWriter utility that is included with the program. These PDFs can be attached to certain types of emails by including special tags in their Email Templates, such as IncludeDropshipPOPDF, IncludePOPDF, IncludeStatementPDF and IncludeQuotePDF. The former two examples are used to include a PDF file when sending purchase orders to regular or drop ship vendors. The latter two examples are used to include a PDF when sending a statement or a quote to a customer, respectively. Tags IncludeInvoicePDF and IncludePackingSlipPDF can also be inserted into an email that is sent to a customer.
Refer to the Knowledge Base topic, Email Template Editor, for instructions on editing email templates.
The size and nature of the files attached to an email may cause the internet service provider (ISP) to reject the email; check with the specific vendor to determine their limitations.
If system parameter, EmailSendMethod is set to "Order Manager", the program can send bulk email marketing messages to all or a selected group of customers via the Customer Export Setup screen. The message is customized for each recipient. Bulk email can also be sent to customers based on the email addresses that are present in a selected group of orders. Refer to Knowledge Base topic, Export Customer Data to a Text File or Send Bulk Email to Customers, for more information.
An alternate method for sending bulk email to customers is through the Multi-Order Processor screen, as opposed to the Customer Export Setup Screen. The Multi-Order Processor screen offers additional filtering criteria for producing the target list of orders.
The Multi-Order Processor screen can be accessed from the Main Menu, by selecting the Multi-Order View link in the Orders section of the screen or by clicking the button at the top of the Orders screen.
Choose one or more of the following methods to build a list of orders:
Select an entry in the Quick Filter drop-down list
Click the [Search] button, which opens the Search for Orders screen, where the user can specify a wide variety of criteria for building the list of orders; click the [Begin] button and respond to the program's prompt about clearing the list before adding the matching orders
Entering a value in the Order Manager Order Number field or selecting an entry from the Shopping Cart drop-down along with the Web Order # and clicking [Enter], will result in that single order being added to the list of orders in the grid
Once the list of orders has been created, check the "OK" column of each of the orders in the list for which an email message is to be sent.
Click on the Setup & Process tab and select the email template that will be used from the Send this email template drop-down list.
In the Other Functions section of the screen, choose Send Bulk Email from the Select a Function drop-down list.
When ready to send the email message to the customer from each of the selected orders, click the [Send Bulk Email] button.
The Order Manager can be configured to send "tracking" emails to customers when new tracking information is imported from an external shipping application or is stored in the Order Manager tables by one of the integrated shipping solutions. Select one of the standard email templates provided with the program, or create a custom template using the Email Template Editor, and associate the appropriate template with the shipping carrier via Page 2 of the Shipping section of the Store Setup Wizard. A unique template can be created for each shipping carrier if so desired.
When new tracking information is detected, the [Process Tracking Numbers] button on the Maintenance Menu will become active. Click this button, whenever it is available throughout the work day, to initiate the sending of tracking email messages to customers. For more information, refer to the Knowledge Base topic, Process Tracking Numbers.
The entire list of email related system parameters can be reviewed in the Knowledge Base topic, Email Parameter Group.
Parameter Name |
Comments |
EmailSendMethod |
Select "Order Manager" to use the Order Manager's built-in email system. |
SMTPServer |
The SMTP server that is used for outgoing email. Example: |
SMTPUserName1 |
This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the user name for SMTPServer. |
SMTPPassword1 |
This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the password for SMTPServer. |
SMTPUserName2 |
This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the user name for SMTPServer2. |
SMTPPassword2 |
This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the password for SMTPServer2. |
EMailDomain |
Enter your own domain name here. Example: |
EmailFromAddress |
The "From" email address you want to appear in your email messages. Example: |
EmailFromName |
The "From" name you want to appear in your email messages. Example: Customer Service. Example 2: Bill Smith. |
EmailBCCAddress |
Set this parameter to your own email address if you want to have a copy of each email sent by the Order Manager. To have your email program automatically filter these copies into a separate folder, set this parameter to something unique, such as |
SMTPAccount |
Set to "Normal" to use SMTP Server, Email Domain, Email From Address, Email From Name and EmailBCCAddress. Set to "Alternate" to use SMTP Server2, Email Domain2, Email From Address2, Email From Name2 and EmailBCCAddress2. |
SMTPServer2 |
This is an optional alternate SMTP server that you can use for outgoing email if your normal SMTP server is not working. Example: |
SMTPUserName2 |
This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the user name for SMTPServer2. |
SMTPPassword2 |
This should only be filled in if you are sure that your SMTP server requires a user name and password (most do not). This is the user name for SMTPServer2. |
EMailDomain2 |
Only required if you want an alternate SMTP server. Enter your own domain name here. Example: |
EmailFromAddress2 |
Only required if you want an alternate SMTP server. The "From" email address you want to appear in your email messages. Example: |
EmailFromName2 |
Only required if you want an alternate SMTP server. The "From" name you want to appear in your email messages. Example: Customer Service. Example 2: Bill Smith. |
EmailBCCAddress2 |
Only required if you want an alternate SMTP server. Set this parameter to your own email address if you want to have a copy of each email sent by the Order Manager. To have your email program automatically filter these copies into a separate folder, set this parameter to something unique, such as |
BatchEmailForTrackingInfo (optional) |
If TRUE, when you import tracking numbers from FEDEX, Postal Package Partner or a .csv text file, or when you click Process Tracking Numbers (on the Maintenance Menu), an email message will be sent for each order that has a new tracking number. Only works if EmailSendMethod is set to Order Manager. |
For use with the primary SMTP Server settings. Enables Transport Layer Security (TLS), sometimes referred to as "SSL", when connecting to your SMTP server. Please note that it may be necessary to change your server port (default 465) when using SMTP over TLS. |
For use with the secondary SMTP server settings. Enables Transport Layer Security (TLS), sometimes referred to as "SSL", when connecting to your SMTP server. Please note that it may be necessary to change your server port (default 465) when using SMTP over TLS. |
Parameter Name |
Comments |
AllowDeleteEmailTemplate |
Determines whether a Delete button will be available at the Email Template Editor. |
BadAVSEmailTemplate |
If SendEmailIfCardDeclined is True and the reason the card is declined is due to bad AVS response, this email template is sent to the customer. |
BadCVV2EmailTemplate |
If SendEmailIfCardDeclined is True and the reason the card is declined is due to bad CVV2 response, this email template is sent to the customer. |
CardDeclinedEmailTemplate |
If SendEmailIfCardDeclined is True and the reason the card is declined is due to a reason other than bad AVS or bad CVV2, this email template is sent to the customer. |
DefaultConfirmationTemplate |
Default email template for sending order confirmation messages. |
DefaultCreditTemplate |
Default template for sending email messages when credits are issued. |
DefaultShipDateTemplate |
Default template for sending email messages when you set Expected or Actual Ship Dates. |
DefaultTrackingNumberEmailTemplate |
Only used if BatchEmailForTrackingInfo is set to TRUE. This email template will be used if no other email template is specified for a particular shipper. |
TrackNumEmailTemplateSource |
Select Ship Method Ship Date to use the email template specified in the Ship Date Set Email Template drop-down list that appears on the third page of the Shipping section of the Store Setup Wizard. This will use a template based on the Shipping Method specified in the Order.
Select Ship Method Confirm to use the template specified in the Approval Email Template drop-down list on the third page of the Shipping section of the Store Setup Wizard. This will use a template based on the Shipping Method specified in the Order.
Select Shipper Name to use the email template identified in the Tracking Number Email Template drop-down list that can be accessed via the second page of the Shipping section of the Store Setup Wizard. Click the button labeled Shippers & their Shipping Methods. This will cause the program to use a template based on the shipper used regardless of the shipping method.
If none of the above methods are set the system will use the template in DefaultTrackNumEmailTemplate.
If all are null the email will NOT be sent! |
FillBOsCompleteOrderTemplate |
Email message to send when Fill Backorders form approves a completed order (all backorders filled either in the original order or in a new order). Leave blank to send no email message. |
FillBOsPartialOrderTemplate |
Email message to send when Fill Backorders form approves an incomplete order (some items still backordered). Leave blank to send no email message. |
QuoteEmailTemplate |
Default template to use for sending Quotes. |
Parameter Name |
Comments |
AddEmailToNotes |
If AddNoteWhenEmailSent is TRUE, do you want to store the body of the email message in the Note? |
AddNoteWhenEmailSent |
If TRUE, whenever an email message is sent regarding an Order (as opposed to those for customers, suppliers, etc.), a Note will be added to the order. If FALSE, no notes will be added. |
Parameter Name |
Comments |
ConfirmAutoApprovals |
Email confirmation messages to customers when orders are approved automatically by the program? Works with DefaultConfirmationTemplate to determine which email confirmation message, if any, will be sent when orders are approved automatically. |
ConfirmCreditsIssued |
Email confirmation messages to customers when credits are issued? Works with DefaultCreditTemplate to set the default choice when posting applied credits or issuing credits at the Virtual Credit Card Terminal. Can be over-ridden by user. |
ConfirmEmailSent |
This parameter tells the program whether or not to display the "Mail has been sent" message each time an email message is sent manually. |
ConfirmManualApprovals |
Email confirmation messages to customers when orders are APPROVED manually? Works with DefaultConfirmationTemplate to set the default choice when confirming orders manually. Can be over-ridden by user. |
ConfirmManualOrders |
Email confirmation messages to customers when orders are entered manually? Works with DefaultConfirmationTemplate to set the default choice when adding orders manually. Can be over-ridden by user. |
Sets the default for the Email Confirmation option that appears when you set expected or actual ship dates at View Orders. |
If True, PDF files created to attach to email messages will be deleted after they are sent. If False, they will not be deleted. |
Whatever text you enter here will appear in the email editing screen whenever you clear it for entering a free-form email message. Note: Limited to 255 characters. Use Control/Enter to end a line or leave a blank line. |
Set to True to have an email sent to the customer if a credit card sale or authorization is declined. Three different templates can be set up based on the type of decline. If the decline is for bad AVS the BadAVSEmailTemplate will be sent. If bad CVV2 code then BadCVV2EmailTemplate will be sent. For all other declines, CardDeclinedEmailTemplate will be sent. |
This option lets you automatically send a copy of any email messages sent at View Orders, Approve Orders and Set Date Shipped to a 2nd email address. Set to TRUE to use this option. Set to FALSE to hide the extra field and turn off the option. |
Created: 3/8/11
Modified: 1/18/12
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