In this Topic: Show
The Order Manager provides several hundred system parameters that enable the user to configure the application to suit their business needs. The parameters are organized into groups that are named according to the program component to which they are related. For example, the Barcodes parameter group contains parameters that pertain to barcodes and barcodes scanners. By selecting that parameter group on the Set System Parameters screen , one can see a list of barcode-related parameters that are part of that group. If you do not know the name of a specific parameter, or if you just want to see what the possible parameters are, selecting a parameter group with a related name can be the best place to start when trying to find a parameter for a specific purpose. However, with that being said, the list of parameters that is displayed when a parameter group is selected is not necessarily comprehensive. There are parameters that could conceivably fit into more than one group. In that case, it can be helpful to use the Search For: box to locate the parameter, if its name or part of its name is known. Just type a string of characters into the box and hit [Enter] to be presented with a list of all of the parameters that contain that string. For instance, type in Barcode and a longer list of parameters appears as compared to the parameter list when the Barcode parameter group is selected. The search results list will include all parameters containing that string of data, regardless of the parameter group to which they belong, such as the Reports group, as is the case in this example. As a last resort, check the box labeled [Show All Parameters] to see and scroll through a comprehensive list of parameters and read their descriptions.
The Set System Parameters dialog can be accessed by going to Maintenance Menu > Maintenance tab > Set System Parameters >Go or via the System Parameters link in the Quick Clicks listed on the Main Menu.
The top center of the screen contains the Search For: text box that provides a quick and easy way to find a particular parameter. If you know all or part of the name of a parameter, enter it in the Search For: field and press the [Tab] or [Enter] keys on your keyboard. All parameters that include that text will appear in the Parameters in Selected Group list box. For example, if you search for ShipDate, you will see a list of several parameters, including AllowSetActualShipDate, MoveAfterSetShipDates, etc. In that list of parameters, click on the parameter of interest to view its present setting in the Parameter Text section of the screen, found in the lower right-hand corner.
In the top right-hand corner of the screen, there is a button labeled [User, PC & Cart-Based Parameters] [ that is used to open the Special System Parameters screen. This screen is where the user can set a limited set of system parameters with different values based on the workstation or shopping cart . There are no User-based parameters available at this time.
The special system parameter settings override any corresponding main system-wide parameter values set via the Set System Parameters screen. For example, a different payment gateway could be used to process transactions from a Yahoo! shopping cart than the payment gateway that is used by an osCommerce shopping cart or by the Point of Sale system. Similarly, one workstation can be configured to print shipping labels to a certain printer and another workstation can be configured to print labels to different printer.
Figure 1: Set System Parameters screen
The remainder of the System Parameters screen is divided into five sections:
Parameter Group
Parameter in Selected Group
Description of Parameter Group
Parameter Details
Parameter Text
In the top left section of the form is the Parameter Group list box. When you click on a group in this box, its description appears opposite it in the Description of Parameter Group text box.
The parameters that are part of the selected group are then displayed in the Parameters in Selected Group list box directly below the Parameter Group list box. When you click on a parameter in the Parameters in Selected Group list box, its description appears in the Parameter Details text box on the right-hand side of the screen.
Below the Parameter Details text box is the Parameter Text/Value fields, where you can see and/or edit the current value of the parameter. The parameter field itself may be a text box that requires you to type in a value; it could be a drop-down list of options from which you make a selection; or it could be a True/False radio button, depending on the type of data required by the parameter that is being viewed.
To see all possible system parameters, click the [Show All Parameters] check box next to the Parameter Group label and they will be displayed in the Parameters in Selected Group box. Click in that box and type a letter to jump down to a parameter that begins with that letter.
Once a parameter has been selected at the Set System Parameters screen and depending on the type of parameter that it is, do one of the following:
To change a text parameter, edit the text contained in the Parameter Text box and click [Save].
To change a numeric parameter, enter a numeric value in the Parameter Value text field and click [Save].
To change a true/false parameter, click either the True or False radio button and click [Save].
To change a list parameter, select a value from the list box and click [Save]. For report template parameters, you can type a report name in the Select or enter your choice field if the report template you wish to use does not appear in the drop down list box, as will be the case with custom reports.
Note: If you do not click the [Save] button before selecting another parameter or closing the Set System Parameters window, your changes will NOT be saved.
In addition to the Set System Parameters screen, many of the program's system parameters can be configured using the Store Setup Wizard, either when the program is initially installed or after the user has become more familiar with the program and wants to begin using a more advanced feature of the program. For more information, see the Store Setup Wizard Knowledge Base article.
It is highly recommended that you spend time familiarizing yourself with the many system parameters as they have a direct impact on the operation of the Order Manager, and give you a tremendous amount of control over the manner in which the program works.
Created: 9/14/10
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