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Normally, each product to be sold is assigned a unique SKU or Stock Keeping Unit, for inventory tracking purposes. However, merchants may sell the same product in several Web stores and may want to use a different SKU in each one.
The Order Manager fills that need through the Alternate SKU feature, which is accessed through the Alternate Barcodes & SKUs tab of the Inventory screen . Refer to that Knowledge Base topic for instructions to create an Alternate SKU.
The previous releases of the Order Manager have been able to recognize Alternate SKUs when importing orders, however in V5.929, this feature has been enhanced to support the inventory synchronization of Alternate SKUs (QOH).
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Figure 1: Alternate SKU screen
Alternate SKUs on incoming orders are translated into their Primary SKUs in the line item details of the order. The SKU used at the Web site is stored in the WebID field of the line item.
The Order Manager can exchange accurate QOH information with Monsoon shopping carts if real-time inventory synchronization is enabled. The Primary SKU and the Alternate SKU fields will both show the same QOH.
At least one cart must be assigned to each Alternate SKU when it is created or the program will not save it. It is recommended to assign all carts to every Alternate SKU.
At this time, only Monsoon shopping carts have the ability to send multiple Alternate SKUs for a given product.
Alternate SKUs can override information that is specified in the Primary SKU, such as Item Name, Description, ASIN, Category, or UPC , to name a few.
Alternate SKUs must be unique throughout the entire inventory; the same Alternate SKU cannot be used for more than one product.
The program has a new table that houses all of the information related to Alternate SKUs going forward. This information was previously stored in the Lists table, but is now in the AliasSKUs table.
If the CartID field contains zero (0), it means that the Alternate SKU is enabled for all carts that have inventory synchronization enabled. If the CartID field contains negative one (-1), the Alternate SKU is not assigned to any of the carts that have inventory synchronization enabled. Otherwise, the field should contain the ID of the shopping cart to which it is assigned.
When V5.929 is initially launched, any Alternate SKUs that were previous defined by the user will be copied into the brand new table. Obviously, the user will have to manually provide the Cart Assignment information.
While the Alternate SKU form is open, the Product Data Override data is kept in a temp table and is not written to the permanent table until the [Save] button is clicked.
Each Primary SKU and all of its Alternate SKUs will have QOH information sent to Monsoon. If the QOH of the primary SKU is changed, the QOH of all associated Alternate SKUs are also changed to the same value.
Created: 1/10/12
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