In this Topic: Show
The Orders screen contains several tabs at the bottom of that screen, one of which is the Addresses tab.
This article only contains information about the fields that are found on the Addresses tab, which includes the billing, shipping and email addresses associated with a given order as well as the optional features of Customer IP address and Fraud Scores. The Customer IP feature depends on whether the shopping cart system provides that information and the Fraud Score feature requires a subscription to one of the MaxMind fraud services.
The Addresses tab also provides an interface to validate mailing addresses, view the entire customer record, or the Recency, Frequency and Monetary summary.
Utility buttons to reassign an order to a different customer record or to create a new customer record can also be found here.
Figure 1: Orders Screen - Addresses tab
contains the name, address, phone number, email address and the Order Manager customer ID of the person that placed and purchased the items on the current order.
contains the name, address, phone number, email address of the person to whom the order will be sent.
if the shopping cart system provides the IP address associated with this order, it will be populated in this field; if the shopping cart does not provide IP information, other customer data can be manually stored in this field
this field will only be populated with data if the user subscribes to one of the MaxMind Fraud Prevention Services
click the button next to the Sold To, Ship To or Customer IP fields to change the data that is stored in those fields.
click the button next to the SOLD TO or SHIP TO fields to verify those addresses against the USPS database (service provided by Endicia)
this button will open the Send Email screen, where the user may choose an email template, edit its contents, add an attachment, select the recipients, and send the email.
opens the customer record (View Customers screen) for the customer whose information is displayed in the SOLD TO field
this button will cause the program to display all orders that have placed by the customer of record (SOLD TO field); use the navigational arrows at the bottom left-hand side of the screen to scroll between the orders
allows the user to dial any of the telephone numbers in the Phone fields, by clicking in the appropriate field and then clicking the phone icon; this feature requires that Windows is configured to dial a phone and that system parameter ShowPhoneButtons is set to TRUE. This icon is only visible when the parameter is set to TRUE.
open the RFM Data for Selected Customer screen, which provides a summary of information about the customer's previous purchases as well as the specific order details
opens the Search for a Customer screen (Customer Filter) to allow the user to find a different customer record to which the current order will be assigned; then the Select a Customer screen will open to allow the user to select the appropriate customer record; this is useful if a single individual (previous customer) uses a variety of email addresses or phone numbers when placing an order, which may make the program think that this is a brand new customer when in fact it is not; refer to the system parameters , CustomerSearchFields1-4, which control how the program determines what is a new or existing customer
allows the user to have the program create a new customer record and assign the order to that new customer ID; this can be helpful when the customer data of an incoming; refer to the system parameters, CustomerSearchFields1-4, which control how the program determines what is a new or existing customer
Created: 1/3/11
Modified: 1/9/12
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