How to Build or Break Lots

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Some inventory items must be purchased in large quantities, even though they are sold individually, or you may manufacture products that are sold in varying quantities. Monsoon OMS is able to keep track of the individual items, as well as the packaged units.

An inventory record for the individual item is created in the Monsoon Order Manager. Additional records representing each of the package sizes are also created, noting the quantity of the individual SKU in each package. The records are sent to the Fulfillment Manager when the Sync Managers run.

Use this screen to transfer units of individual items to a multi-unit package or vice-versa, according to your needs for filling orders.

Build or break individual lot SKUs

Break an individual lot SKU into its single-unit SKUs

  1. Make a selection from Lot SKUs at the top of the screen.

  1. Check the Max. Break field and decide how many lots to break into individual units.

  1. Enter that number into the text field to the left of Break.  This example breaks 2 lots.

  2. Select Break.

  1.  Notice the change in the QOH of the Single Unit SKU (120) and the Max Break (198) of the Lot SKU.

Build a lot SKU from single-unit SKUs

  1. Make a selection from Lot SKUs at the top of the screen.

  1. Check the QOH field and decide how many units to build into Lot SKUs.

  2. Enter that number into the text field to the right of Build.  This example builds 4 Lot SKUs.

  1. Select Build. Notice the change in the QOH (80) of the SingleUnitSKU number and the Max Break (202).

Building or breaking multiple Lot SKUs at one time

Break a specific quantity of a range of  Lot SKUs into single-unit SKUs

  1. Select Break at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select Quantity and enter an integer to the right of the Quantity field.
  3. Optionally, you can limit the operation to specific Lot SKUs by entering a few unique characters of the Lot SKUs in Starts with or Ends with. Otherwise, all lot SKUs are affected by the operation.
  4. Select Break Specified Lots.
  5. A message box prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the operation.


Break Lot SKUs into as many single-unit SKUs as possible

  1. Select Break at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select All Possible.
  3. Optionally, you can limit the operation to specific Lot SKUs by entering a few unique characters of the SKUs in Starts with or Ends with.
  4. Select Break Specified Lots.
  5. A message box prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the operation.

Build a specific quantity of Lot SKUs   

  1. Select Build at the bottom of the screen. If you do not specify any optional filtering criteria, all lot SKUs are affected by this operation.  
  2. Select Quantity and enter an integer to the right of the Quantity field.
  3. Optionally, enter a unique string of characters which identify the affected SKUs in any of the Starts with or Ends with fields.
  4. Optionally, you can also restrict the operation to affecting only those SKUs whose QOH is less than or equal to a specified value.  
  5. Select Build Specified Lots.

  6. A message box prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the operation.

Build as many Lot SKUs as possible  

  1. Select Build at the bottom of the screen.  If you do not specify any optional filtering criteria, all lot SKUs are affected by this operation.   
  2. Select All Possible.
  3. Optionally, enter a unique string of characters, which identify the affected SKUs, in any of the Starts with or Ends with fields.
  4. Optionally, you can also restrict the operation to affecting only those SKUs whose QOH is less than or equal to a specified value.
  5. Select Build Specified Lots.

  6. A message box prompts for confirmation before proceeding with the operation.


Additional information

Inventory View


Created: 6/13/14

Revised: 6/23/15

Published: 08/19/15