Updating Order Status with AbleCommerce

To use the Status Events feature within the Order Manager only, set the Program group system parameter UseStatusUpdates to True (for all versions of AbleCommerce). By itself, the status events system only sets status codes within the Order Manager; it does not transmit order information to your website unless you configure the Order Manager Status Events feature.


To configure the Order Manager to notify your website of order status changes, you must set the system parameters listed below (for AbleCommerce v4.3 only) OR activate the status events for which you want the Order Manager to send data to AbleCommerce (Ablecommerce v5.5 and higher).

AbleCommerce V4.3 only

Set System Parameters:

AbleSendStatusUpdate (in the AbleCommerce parameter group) - set to True to post order information and status changes to your AbleCommerce website. Set to False to turn off this function.


If AbleSendStatusUpdate is set to True, the following parameters must also be set:

The "omexpt4.cfm” (or omexpt4.asp) file provided with the Order Manager should be ftp’d into your store directory (in this example directory "1”). The AbleURL parameter  would then be:

www.mystore.com/acb/stores/1/omexpt4.cfm for Cold Fusion stores or
www.mystore.com/acb/stores/1/omexpt4.asp for Active Server Pages (ASP) stores.

AbleCommerce V5.5 and higher

Activate Status Events in Order Manager

  1. Get the latest version of the Order Manager and the omexpt5.aspx script (v3.300 or higher)  from the Software Download Gateway.

  2. Go to Main Menu> Maintenance Menu> Setup Functions> Status Events.

  3. Find the Order Add Tracking Number event.

  4. In the Order Status column, select the drop-down list and select an appropriate status label. See the list of supported AbleCommerce status labels in the next section.

  5. Click the Notify Cart checkbox.

  6. Activate other status events in the same way as required.

  7. Click Close.

Supported AbleCommerce Status Labels

AbleCommerce only supports status changes at the order level, not at the item level. The Status Labels selected for a Status Event must match the labels listed below for Able Commerce to change the order’s status. The following five status levels are supported:

Use the List Maintenance feature to add status labels in the Order Manager, if necessary.

AbleCommerce V7 and greater:

Users must ensure that shipping Carriers are defined at their site so that status update information from the Order Manager will be sent to AbleCommerce. If there is no carrier information associated with a status update record, the Order Manager will not send the update to the shopping cart.

To define carriers at the AbleCommerce V7 cart:
  1. Go to the Admin section of your cart.

  1. Click on Configure:

  1. Select Shipping>Integrated Carriers:


  1. Click on the Add Carrier button:

  1. Click on the link of each Carrier that will be used and follow their setup process:



Modified 5/27/14