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The Order Manager provides a batch printing feature for users that prefer to manage order-related printing, such as invoices, packing slips, credit slips, etc., as a group, rather than on an order by order basis. This feature is accessed by the Batch Printing link in the Reports section of the Main Menu. When there are documents to print, the lettering of the link is in red, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Batch Printing link in Report section of the Main Menu
Some printed paperwork can be added to the batch print queue automatically as orders are approved upon import, from the Multi-Order Processor, or they can be added manually at the Pack & Ship, QuickShip or Orders screens.
The number of copies, for each type of document that will be printed, is controlled by the settings on Page 2 of the Printing section of the Setup Wizard.
Shipping labels are not affected by these settings, as they are actually printed by the integrated shipping software of the carrier. FedEx or UPS labels can be printed from this screen , however. To batch print USPS shipping labels from Endicia's DAZzle, it is necessary to use the DAZzle Batch feature, instead.
Pick Lists are not managed at this screen. They may be printed automatically as orders are imported (PrintPickLists system parameter).
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Figure 2: Batch Printing Screen
All Shipping Methods - if this box is checked the program will print paperwork from orders regardless of their shipping method
Selected Shipping Method - un-check the All Shipping Methods box and select a particular shipping method from the list to process paperwork only for orders that are associated with that shipping method
Default Printer - if checked, the program will send the paperwork to the printer that is designated as the workstation's default printer (Windows>Control Panel> Printer & Faxes)
Selected Printer - un-check the box labeled Default Printer and choose another printer from the Select a Printer list
when the Selected Printer check box is marked, the user may choose a printer other than the printer that is designated as its default printer (Windows)
when selecting another printer, it is also necessary to select a paper source from the Select a PaperSource list
used in conjunction with the Select a Printer list box
if the user has chosen to send the documents to a printer other than its default Windows printer, it is necessary to indicate the tray from which the printer should obtain the appropriate form or paper
clicking this button will cause all documents, in all categories, that are currently in the batch printing queue to be deleted from the system
use this button with caution, as there is no easy way to recover the reports that had been in the queue
click one of the buttons, below this label, that has a non-zero quantity in the Number In List column to have the documents of that type sent to the printer
review the various report templates that are provided by the program and set the appropriate system parameter to use the desired template when printing documents of that type; for example, InvoiceTemplate or PackingSlipTemplate
the types of eligible documents are:
Sales Receipts - also known as Invoices
Packing Slips
Shipping Labels - only from integrated FedEx or UPS
Mailing Labels - these do not contain postage, but may be used as return labels or if package will be taken to the Post Office
Credit Slips - can be used to notify customers of any store credit they may have accumulated
USPS Labels - only applies to U.S. P. S. shipping labels that are produced from Window Book's Postal Package Partner software
Print Electronic Confirmations - only applies to U.S. P. S. shipping labels that are produced from Window Book's Postal Package Partner software
indicates the number of copies of each report type that is presently in the batch printing queue
this button will cause the program to exit the Batch Printing screen
To avoid the potential loss of reports due to printer errors, etc., the Order Manager provides the Print Recovery feature that records print jobs (invoices, packing slips, mailing labels and credit slips) as they are being printed, and retains them for a specified number of days. To use this feature, it must be turned on via the System Parameters . Set the parameter UsePrintRecovery to True and the PrintRecoveryDays parameter to the number of days the Order Manager should keep a record of print jobs (3 is the default).
This feature will not protect the entire print queue in the event that the Purge Batch Queue button is clicked, since reports are only added to the recovery queue as they are being printed. The Purge Batch Queue button will erase all reports from the print queue. Use this button with caution.
The Order Manager is not able to reprint Shipping labels that have been previously printed by its integrated shipping software solutions. If a shipping label is lost or damaged, void the previous label and reprint a new label through the View or Void Shipment feature for the affected carrier, which can be found on the Maintenance tab of the Maintenance Menu.
By default, each workstation uses its own local print queue. If the Order Manager is used across a network, it is possible to share a common print queue. To accomplish this, set the system parameter UseCommonPrintQueue to TRUE.
Each store (data file) has its own print queue, and therefore, the documents that are displayed in the Batch Printing screen at any given time, are only those associated with the store data file that is currently open.
Refer to Set System Parameters Knowledge Base topic for directions how to view or change system parameters
Parameters of interest are:
Created: 1/25/11
Modified: 9/23/11
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