Accounting Data Export

Contents of this Topic: Show


Description of the Screen

Accounting Data Export screen


"I would like to" List

Preview any new accounting data

Preview selected batch of data


Export any new accounting data to file

Re-export selected batch of data to file

Make a backup of the QuickBooks company file prior to performing exports to allow an easy way to back out changes. Otherwise, manually remove the data before re-exporting data to QuickBooks.

"New batches include the following information" Check Boxes

Filter Export List Radio Buttons

Display Last 10 exports

Display all exports

Previous Accounting Exports List

ID Column

Date Column

Thru Column

Export Included:





Begin Button

Close Button

Additional Information

Accounting Export Setup

Accounting Export Preview

Export Accounting Data

How Funds Flow Between Stone Edge and QuickBooks Accounts


Created: 7/13/12

Revised: 9/9/14

Published: 08/19/15