Order Manager
Version 8
Monsoon OMS uses hundreds of system parameters to tailor the program to a merchant's way of doing business.
Each system parameter is associated with a parameter group, based on its function.
One way of viewing system parameters is to select a specific Parameter Group at the Set System Parameters screen. It is also possible to search for a parameter by entering a portion of its name.
While some parameters could logically belong to more than one parameter group, the program only assigns a parameter to a single group. Be sure to look for other related group names when researching the available parameters for a particular function.
To change a system parameter, go to the Main Menu>Settings>System Functions>Set System Parameters, or select System Parameters from the Quick Clicks on the Main Menu accordion, provided it has not been deleted by the user.
For instructions, review the Knowledge Base topic, Set System Parameters.
Parameter Name | Comments |
Access2007HideRibbon |
General program options and parameters. |
AccountingApplication |
Select the Accounting Application used with Monsoon Order Manager or choose "NONE" if you will not be transferring data to an accounting application. Select "QuickBooks File Transfer" to have Monsoon Order Manager read Chart of Accounts data and write sales, deposit and PO data to QuickBooks' native .iif file format. This allows the user to review the data in the .iif file prior to importing the file into QuickBooks. Select "QuickBooks Direct Transfer ( XML )" to have Monsoon Order Manager read Chart of Accounts data from and write sales, deposit and PO data directly to your QuickBooks' data file. Users may review data prior to export by using the Preview option at the Accounting Export screen . |
AcrobatReaderPath |
Enter the path to the Adobe Acrobat Reader program file AcroRd32.exe |
AddNotesForStatusChanges |
If TRUE, Notes will be added to orders whenever order or line item status changes occur. Also requires UseStatusUpdates to be TRUE. |
AllowCarryForwards |
If TRUE, when you create a new order for an existing customer, the program will let you carry forward any balance or credit due from their most recent order to the new order. |
AllowSwitchStores |
If True, program adds Switch Stores button to Main Menu |
AlwaysLoadNotes |
At View Orders: If TRUE, notes for each order will be loaded as soon as the order is displayed. If FALSE, notes will only be loaded when you go to the Notes tab (or if the Notes tab is already selected). |
AssembliesDefaultGetCost |
Default state of Get Cost from Parts option when building Assemblies. |
AutoNumberNewSKUs |
If TRUE, when you add a new product at the View Inventory screen, the program will automatically fill in the new SKU with the next available number. Also see AutoNumberSKULength - new numbers will be padded with zeros to that length if necessary. |
AutoNumberSKULength |
Only used if AutoNumberNewSKUs is TRUE. If this number is greater than zero, when a new SKU is generated, if the number of digits in the new SKU is less than this value, the program will add zeros to the left of the number to get to this length. Example: New number is 123. AutoNumberSKULength is 6. New SKU will be 000123. |
BreakMode |
For program debugging. If TRUE, program will break into code when errors occur. If FALSE (normal operating mode), errors will be trapped and handled by the program. |
CalcTaxRateIncludeShipping |
If CheckTaxRates is set to False then set this parameter to True if your shopping cart includes the shipping amount in the tax calculations. This enables Monsoon Order Manager to accurately estimate the sales tax percentage charged at the shopping cart. |
CarryForwardsAddNotes |
Set to True to have Monsoon Order Manager enter a note whenever a balance or credit is carried to another order. Notes will be recorded in the originating order and the destination order. |
CarryForwardType |
Only used if AllowCarryForwards is TRUE. Set to Last to only allow carry forwards of balances and credits from the Last (most recent) order from the current customer. Set to All to all carry forwards from any order from the current customer. Choices are Last or All. |
CarryFullCredit |
Only used if AllowCarryForwards is TRUE. Set to True to have the program carry forward the full credit from the original order to the new order regardless of the new order's balance due. Set to false to carry the credit amount needed to cover the balance of the new order (assuming the balance due on the new order is less than the credit amount) |
CheckSpelling |
Spell Checking can be used when entering notes, comments, email text, etc. Not all fields, such as SKUs, will be checked. Set this parameter to True (default) to use the spell check feature. |
CheckTaxRates |
If TRUE, the program will check sales tax rates and addresses against your Tax Rate tables and correct them if necessary. If FALSE, the sales tax rate set in your Shopping Cart will be accepted regardless of address and tax rate tables. |
CollectItemCosts |
If True, when items are sold, returned to inventory, etc. the program will ask for the cost of items that do not have a cost set even if the parameter TrackInventoryFIFO is FALSE. |
CommandPromptPath |
Path on the local computer to the cmd.exe file - for use with the UPS label printing system |
CommuniqueLocation |
Location where Communique (a 3rd-party dashboard and reporting program for Monsoon Order Manager ) is located. |
CompactWarningMegabytes |
If the program file has grown to more than this number of megabytes, you will get a warning when you start the program. If you are using Access 2000 or later, you will have an option to automatically compact the program file. |
CustomerMatchCompanyCheck |
See UseCustomerMatching. |
CustomerMatchConfirmEmails |
When importing orders or customers, if a matching email address is found, display any matching customers so the user can select one? |
CustomerMatchCustField1 |
You can have up to 2 custom customer fields appear in the Customer Match form that appears when importing customers or orders if UseCustomerMatching is turned on. |
CustomerMatchCustField2 |
You can have up to 2 custom customer fields appear in the Customer Match form that appears when importing customers or orders if UseCustomerMatching is turned on. |
CustomerSearchField1 |
Select the field in the Customers table that you wish the program to search first when it attempts to match existing customer records to incoming orders, or when the program searches for customer records at the View Customers, Enter Orders Manually, or Point of Sale screens. Note: The search field you enter here (e.g. the Email field in the Customers table) should contain unique values for each customer. Any duplicates will allow imported orders to be assigned to the wrong customer. |
CustomerSearchField2 |
Select the field in the Customers table that you wish the program to search second when it attempts to match existing customer records to incoming orders, or when the program searches for customer records at the View Customers, Enter Orders Manually, or Point of Sale screens, |
CustomerSearchField3 |
Select the field in the Customers table that you wish the program to search third when it attempts to match existing customer records to incoming orders, or when the program searches for customer records at the View Customers, Enter Orders Manually, or Point of Sale screens, provided no match is found by searching CustomerSearchField1 and CustomerSearchField2. Default is NONE. Note: The search field you enter here (e.g. the Email field in the Customers table) should contain unique values for each customer. Any duplicates will allow imported orders to be assigned to the wrong customer. |
CustomerSearchField4 |
Select the field in the Customers table that you wish the program to search fourth when it attempts to match existing customer records to incoming orders, or when the program searches for customer records at the View Customers, Enter Orders Manually, or Point of Sale screens, provided no match is found by searching CustomerSearchField1, -2 or -3. Default is NONE. Note: The search field you enter here (e.g. the Email field in the Customers table) should contain unique values for each customer. Any duplicates will allow imported orders to be assigned to the wrong customer. |
DailyAuditForm |
Form to use for Daily Audits. "Daily Audit" is in United States' currency. "Daily Audit UK" is in British currency. |
DefaultOrderView |
When you go to View Orders, do you want start out viewing Pending (un-approved) Orders or All Orders? |
DefaultShowKitParts |
If TRUE, the default state at View Orders will be to show all kit part detail lines. If FALSE, the default state will be to hide the detail lines for kit parts. A button labeled Show Kit Parts or Hide Kit Parts will be available to over-ride this setting (unless either custom button is in use). |
DontShipPartialKits |
If True (and CheckInventory is True) the program will backorder all parts of a kit if any one component does not have sufficient quantity on hand. If False (And CheckInventory is True) the program will only backorder the missing component. |
DoZipLookup |
If TRUE, Monsoon Order Manager will look up and fill in City and State when you enter a Zipcode at Manual Orders, POS, etc. |
FillBOsAllowEmailForPendingPartials |
It True, you will be able to send emails at the Fill Backorders screen when orders are partially filled, even if they are not approved. |
FillBOsAllowPartialLineItems |
If True, Fill Backorders will fill the oldest orders first, even if a line item can only be partially filled. If False, only line items that can be completed will be filled. |
FTPDisplayDOSWindow |
If TRUE, the program will display a DOS window so you can see what is happening during FTP operations. If FALSE, the DOS window will not be displayed |
GreenDotFormula |
Used at View Orders. Formula to use to turn "green light" on and off. Use [ ] around field names. Example: dlookup("DoNotShipTo", "Customers", " customerID = [CustomerID]") = true will turn this "light" on if a customer is flagged as "do not ship to". |
HideParentSKUs |
If TRUE, "parent" SKUs will be hidden whereever you select products for orders. If FALSE, parent SKUs will be included in those product lists. |
IgnoreSecureCertificateErrors |
If using the internet to connect to your shopping cart and your site uses a Shared Security Certificate, you may fail to get a connection to the site if your server throws an invalid certificate error. Set this parameter to true to have Monsoon Order Manager ignore certificate errors based on different name and expired date. (Not Recommended!) |
ImageField |
Field in Inventory table where product image names are stored. For use at Manual Orders and Packing forms . If the data in that field does not include a Web or local path and/or 3-letter extension, the contents of ImagePath and ImageType will be added as needed. |
ImagePath |
For use with ImageField and ImageType to display product images at Manual Orders and Packing forms. Can be a Web or local path. Web paths should start with http or www. Local paths should start with \\ or a drive letter and colon (e.g. "c:"). |
ImageType |
For use with ImageField and ImagePath to display product images at Manual Orders and Packing forms. Enter .jpg, .gif, etc. Be sure to include the "dot". This will be added to image names that do not include a 3-letter extension. |
ImportWorkstation |
Name of workstation currently importing orders. Used by AllowConcurrentImports. Clear the text from this parameter and save it if no users are importing orders, but the program thinks that they are. |
InternetConnectTimeout |
By default Monsoon Order Manager will wait for up to 60 seconds to create an internet connection with a server. If you are receiving timeout errors making the connection, you can increase this amount. Amount must be entered in milliseconds (Seconds * 1000 - i.e. 30 seconds is entered as 30000). Values below 60 seconds will be ignored! |
InternetReceiveTimeout |
By default Monsoon Order Manager will wait for up to 30 seconds to for a response from a web server. If you are receiving timeout errors while awaiting a response, you can increase this amount. Amount must be entered in milliseconds (Seconds * 1000 - i.e. 30 seconds is entered as 30000). Values below 30 seconds will be ignored! |
InventoryComboBoxLimit |
Maximum # of products allowed before inventory drop-down lists will be replaced with text fields. Does not apply to Manual Orders and POS, which have their own parameters for this. |
InventoryUseComboBoxes |
If True, combo boxes (drop-down lists) will be used at various forms to select products. If False, text boxes will be used instead. Set automatically by the program based on InventoryComboBoxLimit. Can also be set to False manually for better performance with large numbers of products. |
KeepFormsOpen |
If True, the program will keep some forms (initially just the View Orders screen) open but hidden when not in use, so it will appear much faster when you need it. If False, forms will actually be closed when you leave them. |
LastFeedbackPromptDate |
Date that the program last prompted the user to join the Feedback Program |
LogMultiRecordEditorChanges |
If True, when you use the Multi Record Inventory Editor, the program will add Notes to inventory items when they are edited. The notes will include the field names and the old and new values, except that only the first 100 characters will be included for Text and Memo fields. |
MaximizeResizedForms |
If True, when forms are Resized, they will be maximized to the full size of the Access window. |
MultiSelectStartEmpty |
If False, the Multi Select form will start out displaying all of your products. If True, it will be empty until you use the fields at the top of the form to filter it. Set to True to speed up the opening of the form if you have a lot of products. |
PickItemsBy |
When entering orders manually, list & select items by "SKU" (the default) or by "Name"? |
ProrateDiscountsForTaxes |
If false (default), the full value of all non-taxable discounts and coupons is applied to the taxable portion of an order prior to tax calculation. If True, the amount of the non-taxable discounts applied to the taxable portion of the order is pro-rated based on the percentage of the taxable amount vs the total product amount |
QuantityShippedLabel |
Label to be used for the Shipped column at View Orders and Multi Order Processor. For example, some users prefer to call that column "Allocated". |
Recompile |
If TRUE, Stone Edge will attempt to re-compile itself after importing custom forms, reports and modules. Only required for Access 2000, and only if importing those items is corrupting the program file due to a known Access 2000 bug. See Microsoft text note Q304548. |
RecompileAtStartup |
If TRUE, each time you start Monsoon Order Manager , if the program is not "compiled", it will give you an option to compile it. If FALSE, that option will not appear. The program can run without being compiled, but may run faster if compiled. |
RedDotFormula |
Used at View Orders. Formula to use to turn "red light" on and off. Use [ ] around field names. Example: dlookup("DoNotShipTo", "Customers", "CustomerID = [CustomerID]") = true will turn this "light" on if a customer is flagged as "do not ship to". |
ReferralSource |
If set to Data, the Referral field at Manual Orders will list all entries that are found in the Referral field in existing orders (may be slow if there are a large number of them). If set to List, the field will get its entries from the Referral list at the List Maintenance screen. |
ResizeForms |
If TRUE, some screens, including View Orders, Manual Orders and POS, will be re-sized to take advantage of higher resolution monitors. If FALSE, all screens will be optimized for 600x800 resolution. |
ResizeFormSize |
If ResizeForms is TRUE, what screen size do you want to use? This lets you override the default size that would normally be used for your monitor's resolution. |
Returns Controller |
The Returns queue stores return events from the Fulfillment Manager until they can be processed by Order Manager. Enter the name of the computer on your network that should control the returns processing. |
SearchBothWebOrderFields |
Should normally be set to FALSE. If you are importing multiple store types (e.g. ShopSite and eBay) into one Monsoon Order Manager store, and if one has numeric order numbers and the other alphanumeric, set this to TRUE so searches will look in both SourceOrderNumber (numeric) and SourceOrderID (alphanumeric). |
SetExtFulfillmentHighlight |
Used to set the color of externally fulfilled items in View Orders and MOV. |
ShowNetFigures |
If True, Expected and Actual Net figures will appear on the Pricing tab of the View Orders screen. If False, they will be hidden. |
ShowOrderOptions |
If TRUE, option lists (color, size, etc.) will be displayed at Manual Orders, POS, Revise Line Item, etc. for items that have options. Depending on the form (Manual Orders, Revise Line Item, etc.) and your screen resolution, only the first 3 to 5 lists will be shown. |
SynchQOH |
If TRUE, whenever inventory is sold at the Manual Orders or QOH screen, received, adjusted, returned or exchanged, QOH adjustments will be posted to your on-line store. Only available for limited store types (e.g. Miva Merchant, AbleCommerce and Yahoo!Store). Requires cart ID, password, etc. for your store in appropriate parameters. Also requires parameter CheckInventory = TRUE. |
TrackInventoryAdjustments |
If True, a record will be kept of every Inventory adjustment. An Inventory Adjustments report will also be available. |
TrackInventoryFIFO |
If True, the program will keep track of your inventory cost on a First In First Out basis. |
UPICClientID |
Your U-PIC Client ID Number. For sending 3rd-party shipping insurance data to U-PIC. |
UseCommunique |
Used at the Main Menu. Controls whether or not the Communique option appears in the list of Reports options. NOTE: this option is also controlled by the security system. |
UseCustomerMatching |
If True, when you import orders, if no matching customer is found, but there are customers with the same last name and Zipcode, or company if CustomerMatchCompanyCheck is True, the program will stop and show you a list of those customers, and let you pick one or create a new customer. |
UseGenericStatusUpdates |
Set to True if your shopping cart accepts order status updates. This is NOT necessary if your shopping cart is Miva Merchant, AbleCommerce, osCommerce or Yahoo!Store. You will need to check "notify cart" in the Status Events on the events you wish to send updates for. |
UseImportedWeight |
If TRUE, Monsoon Order Manager will not re-calculate the total weight of imported orders. If FALSE, weights will be recalculated to adjust for backorders and other order changes. |
UseStatusUpdates |
Set to True to have the program automatically change status of both line items and orders when specific events occur. Requires that a list of status labels be entered into the List Maintenance window and that the status levels be set in the Status Events form |
UseSubscriptionManager |
Set to True if you have purchased the Subscription Manager add-on for Monsoon Order Manager . |
UseTaxableField |
If FALSE, program assumes all items are taxable. If TRUE, program will check Taxable field when calculating sales tax. |
ViewBackordersDays |
Number of days that the View Quantity Not Shipped & Backordered button on View Inventory checks for backorders. |
ViewOrdersHighlightBackorders |
If True, the Quantity Needed column on the View Orders screen will turn red where items are backordered. |
ViewOrdersHighlightDropShips |
If True, the Product column on the View Orders screen will turn blue where items are set to drop ship . |
ViewOrdersHighlightFreeform |
If True, the SKU Field will be highlighted in Yellow if any data is present in the Freeform Options field |
ViewOrdersHighlightOptions |
If True, the SKU Field will be highlighted in Yellow if any data is present in the Option01 - Option10 fields |
ViewOrdersHighlightStatus |
If True, the backgrounds of the Approved, Complete and Cancelled check boxes at View Orders will change color to highlight Approved (green), Pending (yellow), Incomplete (red) and Cancelled (red) orders. |
WarnIfDiscountsOnReturns |
When you select the Returns & Exchanges button at View Orders, warn if the current order has any coupons or discounts. |
WebStackController |
The Web Stack stores commands such as live inventory updates until they can be posted to their destination websites. If WebStackLocation is set to Shared, enter the name of the computer on your network that should control the stack communications. This parameter only applies to "Shared" stacks (see parameter WebStackLocation). |
WebStackLocation |
The Web Stack stores commands such as live inventory updates until they can be posted to their destination Websites. Select Local to have each computer store and transmit its own commands. Select Shared to have one common stack, then use WebStackController to enter the name of the one computer to control the stack. ) and also set the WebStackExternalDatabase parameter to the path where the Stack Controller program is installed. |
WebStackRetentionDays |
The Web Stack stores commands such as live inventory updates until they can be posted to their destination websites. After the number of days entered here, the program will delete any un-transmitted commands (default is zero and will not delete any records). |
WebStackRetries |
The Web Stack stores commands such as live inventory updates until they can be posted to their destination websites. Controls the number of attempts the Web Stack will make to deliver a website update such as real-time inventory adjustments before giving up and logging an error. Default is 10 and this is usually sufficient -- this value can be lowered if stack updates are not going out in a timely fashion and a misbehaving server is suspected. |
WeekStart |
Select "Sunday" or "Monday". Used for printing reports by week. |
YellowDotFormula |
Used at View Orders. Formula to use to turn "yellow light" on and off. Use [ ] around field names. Example: dlookup("DoNotShipTo", "Customers", "CustomerID = [CustomerID ") = true will turn this "light" on if a customer is flagged as "do not ship to". |
Created: 10/5/11
Revised: 4/9/15
Published: 08/19/15