Import My Suppliers

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This topic discusses how to import supplier data from a text file, although several types of data can be imported through the Import Data screen, such as product (inventory), customer, cost, price and weight. Reorder information can be imported via this screen as well.

Data can be imported from a tab or comma-delimited text file. Importing data from an MS Access database is no longer supported.

When importing data from a text file and the data contains commas, the file should be saved as a tab-delimited file, not s a .csv file.

Quotes should not be present in text files, regardless of whether it is a csv or tab-delimited file, or you will encounter errors.

To import supplier information from a text file go to Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Import My Suppliers.

Best Practice

Before importing data into the store file, make a backup copy in case you need to back out the changes.

Description of the Screens

Select File to Import tab


File to import from


Start Over


Import Options tab

Import Data screen: Import Options tab for importing Cost, Price, & Weight information

Field Delimiter

Other Field

First Row Contains Field Names

Create New Suppliers

Modify Existing Suppliers

Data in Text File

Start Over



Supplier Fields tab


Supplier ID Address 1 Main Contact
Supplier Name Address 2 Main Contact Phone
Email City  
Phone 1 State  
Fax Zip  
Toll Free Phone Country  


Data in Text File

Start Over



Finish and Import tab

Disable Sync Database Triggers

Test Data

Begin Import

Start Over


Additional information



Created: 6/15/12

Revised: 8/10/15

Published: 08/19/15