Import My Suppliers
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This topic discusses how to import supplier
data from a text file, although several types of data can be imported
through the Import Data screen,
such as product (inventory), customer, cost, price and weight. Reorder
information can be imported via this screen as well.
Data can be imported from a tab or comma-delimited
text file. Importing data from an MS Access database is no longer supported.
When importing data from a text file and
the data contains commas, the file should be saved as a tab-delimited
file, not s a .csv file.
Quotes should not be present in text files,
regardless of whether it is a csv or tab-delimited file, or you will encounter
To import supplier information from a text
file go to Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>Import
My Suppliers.
Best Practice
Before importing data into the store file, make a backup copy in case
you need to back out the changes.
Description of the Screens
Select File to Import tab
- the Suppliers
radio button is selected by default
File to import from
- enter the path to the file containing the
product information
- the program displays up to 50 fields in the
file and the first 100 records at the bottom of the screen
- select this button to navigate to the location
of the file containing the product information
Start Over
- returns to the Select
File to Import tab
- select this button when ready to proceed to
the Import Options tab
Import Options tab
Data screen: Import Options tab for importing Cost, Price, & Weight
Field Delimiter
- select this button if the fields in the input
file are separated by commas
- select this button if the fields in the input
file are separated by a tab
Other Field
- enter the character used to separate the fields
in the input file
First Row Contains Field Names
- select this box if the first row in the input
file contains a header record with field names
Create New Suppliers
- select or clear this box to determine if new
Supplier records are created during the import process
Modify Existing Suppliers
- select or clear this box to determine if existing
Supplier records are updated during the import process
Data in Text File
- this section of the screen displays up to
fifty fields and the first one hundred records of data in the input
file (not labeled as such)
Start Over
- returns to the Select
File to Import tab
- returns to the previous tab
- select this button when ready to proceed to
the Cost, Price & Weight
Supplier Fields tab
- map the fields in the input file to the corresponding
Order Manager
Supplier ID |
Address 1 |
Main Contact |
Supplier Name |
Address 2 |
Main Contact Phone |
Email |
City |
Phone 1 |
State |
Fax |
Zip |
Toll Free Phone |
Country |
Data in Text File
- this section of the screen displays up to
fifty fields and the first one hundred records of data in the input
file (not labeled as such)
Start Over
- returns to the Select
File to Import tab
- returns to the previous tab
- select this button when ready to proceed to
the second page of the Finish and
Import tab
Finish and Import tab
Disable Sync Database Triggers
- this is selected by default and prevents individual
supplier sync messages from being generated when initially setting
up the system (handled by provisioning event instead)
- if you are importing information after production
processing commenced, clear this box so the appropriate Sync Manager
messages are created and sent to the Fulfillment Manager
Test Data
- select this to have the program check for
errors before starting the import process
Begin Import
- select this to start the import process
Start Over
- returns to the Select
File to Import tab
- returns to the previous tab
Additional information