Customer Export

Contents of this Topic: Show


Monsoon Order Manager is able to export customer information to a text file for various purposes, such as using the file as input to a bulk e-mail campaign, or to transfer that information to another application.

The first screen shown below is used to limit the amount of data exported by specifying the desired order source, payment status, a date range of when the orders were placed, etc.

The second image shows the next screen where the user selects the type of output file, the e-mail template, RFM criteria, and which fields to include in the export. When all of that information has been selected, select Export to start the process.

To access this feature, go to:

Main Menu>Manage My Customers>Export/Email My Customers

Description of the screen

Customer Export Filter

Customer Export


Customer Export Page

The fields and controls in this section of the screen only apply to the customer export process, not to the process of sending bulk e-mail to selected customers.

Export Format

Comma Delimited (CSV)
Tab Delimited

Select Fields to Include in File

Choose one or more fields in this section to determine the kinds of information to be written to the text file. The fields and controls in this section of the screen only apply to the customer export process, not to the process of sending bulk e-mail to selected customers.

Full Name 

Name Prefix 

First Name 

Middle Name 

Last Name 

Name Suffix










Customer ID

Original Source 


RFM Data

Start/End Date 

Calendar icon



Monetary Value 

1st Order Date 


Bulk Email Section

The fields and buttons in this section only apply to sending bulk e-mail to selected customers, they are not part of the customer record export process.

Email Template to Send to Customers

Edit Template


Send Email

Note to add to Customer records

Sample Data Section          

Include Field Names




Created: 1/19/112

Revised: 7/6/15

Published: 08/19/15