User Info
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The User Info screen is part of the SEOM Security System, which is accessed by going to Main Menu > Settings > System Functions > Security Options.
Click New to open this screen and enter information about a new user of the program.
This function is restricted to a member of the Admin security group.
Description of the Screen
Info screen
User ID, Initials, etc. Field
- enter an arbitrary, unique value as the User ID
- although this field supports a length of twenty characters, it is recommended that you use shorter values, such as the person's initials
User's Full Name Field
- enter the first and last name of the new user
Password Field
- enter a starting password value which the user can change later
Repeat Password Field
- re-enter the same value that was typed into the Password field
- the program compares the values to ensure they are identical
Save Button
- saves the new user record
Cancel Button
- abandons the creation of the new User ID and exits the User Info screen
Additional Information
Created: 7/16/12
Published: 04/14/16