Standard Messages

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Main Menu>Settings>Inventory Functions>Standard Messages

Description of the Standard Messages Screen

Standard Messages screen


Create a New Message Button

Select a Message Drop-down List

Message Name Field

Message Text Field

Delete Button

Save Button

Adding a Standard Message

  1. Go to Main Menu>Settings>Inventory Functions>Standard Messages

  2. Click the [Create a New Message] button.

  3. Enter a name for the new message in the pop-up box.

  4. Click the [OK] button.

  5. Enter the text of the message in the Message Text field.

  6. Click the [Save] button.

  7. Click the [OK] button to confirm the creation of the message.

Deleting a Standard Message

The program does not prompt for confirmation prior to deleting a Standard Message, so be sure that you have the correct message selected before clicking the [Delete] button.

  1. Go to Main Menu>Settings>Inventory Functions>Standard Messages

  2. Choose an existing Standard Message from the Select a Message drop-down list.

  3. Click the [Delete] button.

Editing a Standard Message

  1. Go to Main Menu>Settings>Inventory Functions>Standard Messages

  2. Choose an existing Standard Message from the Select a Message drop-down list.

  3. Change the name of the message or change the text of the message.  

  4. Click the [Save] button.

  5. If the text of the message is changed, the program will request that the user acknowledge the completion of the change. Click [OK].

  6. If the name of the message is changed, the program will prompt for confirmation before making the change.

  7. Click [OK] to proceed with the change and click [OK] again to acknowledge the completion of the change; or click [Cancel] to abandon the change.

Assigning a Standard Message to a Product (Inventory Item)

  1. Go to the Main Menu>Manage My Inventory>View & Manage My Inventory>Miscellaneous tab

  2. Navigate to the desired inventory record.

  3. Click the [Edit]  button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

  4. Select one of the pre-defined product messages from the Standard Message 1 - 3 drop-down lists as necessary.

  5. Click the [Save] button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

  6. Go to the POS or Manual Orders screens. When the item is added to an order, the Standard Message appears in a pop-up.     

  7. Click [OK] to add the item to the current order.

  8. Or click [Cancel] close the pop-up. If the order is placed at the Manual Orders screen, the user will have to manually remove the line item from the order. If the order is being placed at the POS interface, the line item has not yet been added to the order when this message is displayed, so it is not necessary to remove it from the order.

Additional Information




Revised: 6/11/12

Published: 04/14/16