Add New Product

Contents of this Topic: Show


Main Menu>What would you like to do?>Create a New Order Button>Items>Add Items button>Add New SKU button

Description of the Add New Product Screen

Add New Product (Edit Inventory)


Local SKU Field

Product Name Field

Product Information Tab


Storage Location Field

Category Drop-down List

Retail Field

Wholesale Field

Club Field

Barcode Field

Published Weight Field

Actual Weight Field

Quantity on Hand Field

Reorder Point Field

Reorder Quantity Field

Drop-Ship Check Box

Ignore Quantity On Hand Check Box

Taxable Check Box

Selling by Lots Section

Single Unit SKU Field
Browse Button
# in this SKU Field
Email BCC Field
Supplier Drop-down List
Suppliers's SKU Field
Unit Cost Field
Quantity on Order Field
Save Button
Cancel Button

Custom Fields Tab

Web & Export Fields Tab

Thumbnail Field

Image Field

Header Field

Footer Field

Ignore QOH on Web Check Box

Don't do fulfillment Check Box

Fulfillment Ctr Drop-down List

Credit Acct Drop-down List

Additional Information

Configuring Custom Fields


Process Orders


Created: 3/12/12

Revised: 3/20/12

Published: 04/14/16