Approval Rules

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Approval Rules


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List of Approval Rules

In the image above, there is one Rule Group and three individual Approval Rules defined.

If this data Column

Condition Column

Using Column

Exact value entered - the data being tested must equal the value entered to return a result of True

Any of list - if the data being tested contains "ANY" of the items in the delimited list, the test will result in True. This is an implied "OR” situation. For example, if you want to use USPS to ship to destinations other than North America, you could set up a rule that says shipping country does not include “CA”, “US”, “MX” and you would specify “Any of List”, so that if the shipping country does not equal any of these entries, the rule will return a true result.

All of List - if the data being tested contains "ALL” of the items within the delimited list, the test will result in True. This is an implied "AND” situation. For example, if you wanted to approve all incoming orders that have a shipping method that contains “UPS” and “Day” (UPS Next Day, UPS 2nd Day, UPS 3 Day, etc.), you could set up a rule to say if Shipping Method Includes “UPS,Day” with All of List selected. This would only approve orders having a method containing both values in the shipping method. UPS Ground would be skipped.

Note: All of these choices are not necessarily available for all comparison expressions. Some comparisons do not have any of these options.

Value or List Column

Action Column

Specifics Column

Additional Information

How to Create a Simple Approval Rule

How to Create an Approval Rule Group



Revised: 9/23/14

Published: 04/14/16