Select Store

Contents of this Topic: Show


Users may have more than one business or web store that they want to manage with OMS , and therefore may have multiple store files.

The Switch Stores button on the Main Menu is the mechanism which allows a user to switch from one store file to another, without exiting the program. When this button is clicked, the user is presented with a list of previously opened store files from which to choose. If the desired store file is not listed, use the Browse button to navigate to it.

It is also possible to choose from a list of System or File DSNs on the current workstation. System DSNs are more common.  

Deleting a link to one of the store files in the list does not delete the file, only the link to it.

When the Switch Stores button is clicked, the Select Store/Select Store to Open screen appears. Follow the instructions in this topic to learn how to switch between different store files.  

The Switch Stores process does not involve the creation of a new store file. To create a new store or data file, go to the Main Menu>Settings> System Functions and select Create New Store. Refer to the Knowledge Base for more information.

Description of the Screen

Select Store to Open

Delete Link Button


Previously Opened Stores

System DSNs Button

File DSNs Button

Open Button

Browse Button

Cancel Button

List of Stores

Store Name Column

File Location Column

Switching Stores

  1. Go to the Main Menu and click the Switch Stores button. This button is only visible if the system parameter AllowSwitchStores is set to TRUE.

  1. The Select Store to Open screen opens.

  1. Double-click the appropriate store or select it from the list and click [Open].

  2. If the store you want to open is not listed:

SQL Store File

    1. click the [System DSNs] button and select the appropriate DSN for the desired store file

    2. skip to step 5

MS Access Store File

    1. click the [Browse] button to navigate to its location.

    2. the Select data .mdb for your web store screen opens

    3. navigate to the location of the store file of your choice

    4. double-click the appropriate .mdb file or select it and click the [Open] button

Select Store Browse button: Select data.mdb for your web store

  1. If OMS 's security system is active, the user will be prompted to enter their user name and password for the new store file.

  2. OMS displays a confirmation message when the new store is open.

  3. Click [OK] to finish the process.

Created: 1/26/11


Published: 04/14/16