Search for Quotes

Contents of this Topic: Show


Description of the Search for Quotes Screen

Search for Quotes screen

Standard Fields Tab

Quote # Field

Reference # Field

Quote Date

Exp. Ship Date Field

Shopping Cart Drop-down List

Shipping Method Drop-down List

Purchase Order # Field

Drop-Shipped Items Check Box

Payment Method Drop-down List

Customer Information

Bill To:

Ship To:

Quotes that Include: Section

This section of the screen is used to filter quotes based on SKUs or Item Names provided by any of the following methods:

Additional Search Fields Tab

Bill To: Phone Field

Ship To: Phone Field

Grand Total Fields


Balance Due Fields


Transaction Total Fields


Expected Net Field

Actual Net Field

Order State Field

Reason for Review Field

Coupon Field

Sales Person Drop-down List

Referral Field

IP Address Field

Ext. Auction ID Field

Ext. Sale ID

Market Name Field

Market Order ID Field

Web Order Status Field

Market Cust. ID Field

Custom Fields — Order, Customer & Inventory Fields Tab

Custom Fields — Order Details Tab

Begin Search Button

Cancel Button

Additional Information

Advanced Custom Fields

Configuring Custom Fields


List Maintenance



Created: 5/4/12

Revised: 9/23/14

Published: 04/14/16