POS Parameter Group


Parameter Name



Set to True to require an Admin login to approve sales of items that are at zero quantity on hand. User must determine whether to pull inventory from web orders, make an inventory adjustment or mark the sale as "sold not received".


Set to True to allow a POS order to be marked as a Layaway (Order Designation)


Automatically approve POS orders that include any backordered or drop-shipped items? (Ignored unless ApprovePOSOrders = TRUE.)


Automatically approve orders entered at the POS form?


If TRUE, the Daily Audit form and report will work for the current date only. If FALSE, you will be able to enter a date range to work with.


Set this parameter to True if you want to enter all bills and coins in the cash drawer into the daily audit screen, including the closing amount to be left in the drawer.


If TRUE, only transactions from orders entered at the POS form or at the Manual Orders form with the POS option selected will be included in the Daily Audit. If FALSE, transactions from all orders, including Internet orders, will be included in Daily Audits.


The full path name of an .exe or .bat file that the program should execute with you click the Open Cash Drawer button on the POS form. Also requires ShowCashDrawerButton to be TRUE.


Set to True to show all transactions for a given audit on the Daily Audit Report


If TRUE, when you open the POS form, the system will pre-select the last sales person that used the POS form on the same computer.


Amount of cash that you put in your cash register at the beginning of each day.


Set to True (default) to keep the order numbers reserved by the POS System in OMS . Set to False to delete these unused order numbers.


Set to the minimum product total needed to start a layaway


Set to the dollar amount charges to establish a layaway order


If TRUE, and if the parameter CashDrawerTriggerFile has been set, then every time an order is Saved at the POS form, the program will trigger the cash drawer to open.


Enter the Baud rate for the Com port specified in PinPadComPort (Default 1200)


Enter the Com Port number (1-255) that the PinPad is installed on


Set to USB or Serial depending on the device's connection to PC


Enter the number of data bits (7 or 8) used by the Com port specified in PinPadComPort (Default 7)


Set to True to enable the use of a PinPad with the Point of Sale


Text to display on the PIN Entry Device when customer prompted to enter the PIN


Select the type of hardware flow control for the Com port specified in the PinPadComPort (default none)


Text to display on PIN Entry Device when idle




Select the type of PinPad used


Select the type of parity used by the Com port specified in PinPadComPort (Default = "none")


Select the number of Stop Bits used by the Com port specified in PinPadComPort (Default 1)


Set to the number of seconds the PIN Entry Device should wait for PIN Entry


If using MasterSession Key Management then enter the Working Key that is passed to the PinPad


Enter the Baud rate for the Com port specified in PoleComPort (Default 9600)


Enter the number of data bits (7 or 8) used by the Com port specified in PoleComPort (Default 8)


Select the type of hardware flow control for the Com port specified in the PoleComPort (default none)


Select the type of parity used by the Com port specified in PoleComPort (Default = "none")


Enter the Com Port number (1 - 255) that the pole is installed on


Select the number of Stop Bits used by the Com port specified in PoleComPort


Set to a value from 1 to 4 (lightest to darkest) for the contrast on the Pole Display (default=4)


Set to True to use a pole display with the POS


Enter a message to display while the POS is idle - Line 1


Enter a message to display while the POS is idle - Line 2


Set to true to scroll the message across the pole (PoleIdleMsg1 only), Set to False for static text on two lines


Enter one of the following numbers that identifies the data to display on line one

1- quantity and item name

2 - item name only

3 - quantity and SKU

4 - SKU only

5 - unit price and extended price

6 - extended price and order total

7 - quantity and unit price

8 - SKU and unit price

9 - unit price and order total


Enter one of the following numbers that identifies the data to display on line two

1- quantity and item name

2 - item name only

3 - quantity and SKU

4 - SKU only

5 - unit price and extended price

6 - extended price and order total

7 - quantity and unit price

8 - SKU and unit price

9 - unit price and order total


Enter the number of characters in a single row of the pole display


Select the make/model of the pole used


After a line item is added to the order, place the cursor in the selected field: Quantity, SKU, Barcode


If FALSE, the discount field and the Calculate Discount button will be hidden on the POS form.


When an item is added to an order, several possible discounts can be applied to the price of that item. If this parameter is true, all available discounts will be applied. If false, only the first encountered discount will be applied - all others will be ignored.


Set to false to require orders to be paid in full. Set to true (default) to allow orders to be saved while still showing a balance due


If ApprovePOSOrders is set to True, and you do not want to approve certain POS orders for possible recall, set this option to True to enable the Don't Approve button. When this button is pressed, a flag of "DO NOT APPROVE" will appear in the information area of the POS screen and the order will not be approved once it is saved.


Set to True to have the value entered in the numeric keypad begin 2 decimal places to the right of the decimal. Set to false to have the value entered appear to the left of the decimal


Number of copies of the POSCCSignatureTemplate to print after each card transaction (if any)


Select this option to have the POS System combine SKUs at same price & cost into a single line item


Set to True to hide the Adjust QOH button on the Product Search Form


Default=True: Use to show or hide the product cost field in the Product Search Screen when called from the New Point of Sale form. Prevents customers from seeing your cost for an item during lookup


One or more special characters that will trigger your cash drawer to open. Required by most cash drawers that are triggered by your receipt printer. Check printer documentation for required font. Also see POSInvoiceDrawerOpenCharacterFont.


Name of font to be used for special characters that will trigger your cash drawer to open. Required by most cash drawers that are triggered by your receipt printer. Check printer documentation for required font. Also see POSInvoiceDrawerOpenCharacter.


Set to True to display a field identifying the amount saved for the given line item. The amount saved is the difference between the extended retail price and the extended actual price paid on the order


Set to True to include the Product's Retail Price on the Invoice


Set to True to display a signature line at the bottom of the POS Invoice. This would typically be used in place of the CCSignatureReceipt report when using double copy receipt paper.


Set to True to include the Product SKU on the Invoice


Set to True to display a field identifying the amount saved on the total order. The amount saved is the difference between the extended retail price for all items and the extended actual price paid for all items


Only used for custom POS invoices.


Only used for custom POS invoices.


Set to true to issue a refund to the customer as a store credit


Each Physical Location must be assigned a POSLocationID. This ID number must be unique across all Locations registered in the central office database system.


Set to True to have the POS log out the current user after each sale


Set to True to tell the POS form to print out a signable receipt for credit card transactions


Set to True to have the POS prompt the user to enter serial numbers for a product


If set to true, when you process a second payment (or more) on a POS order, the system will ask you if you want to save the new payment type as the preferred payment method on the order. This option only replaces the payment information in the order record, it does not have any impact on the payment transactions.

If set to false, the program will only record the first payment method entered for the order. All others only apply to the transactions.


Set to True to require a customer name on the order


Set to True to require the user to enter a serial number. POSPromptForSerialNumbers must be set to True


Set to True to have the program set the actual ship date for line items with a quantity shipped that are not drop ships.


Report name to use for the end of shift printout - default=POSShiftCloseReport


Set to True to display adjustments (shipping, taxes, etc.) in the line items section of the POS form


If True and an image path exists for the product, display the image on the Image tab of the POS Form


If FALSE, the Price Level drop-down list at the POS screen will be hidden.


Set to True to have product messages displayed when a SKU is added to an order


Do you want the SKU field at the POS screen to be a regular text field (better if you have a large number of inventory items) or a drop-down "combo box" (more convenient for smaller inventory lists)?


Set to True to have the line items display in reverse (latest added at the top of the list)


Each Store under a single POSLocationID (Physical Address) must have a unique numeric value assigned for identification purposes.


Used to set tax locale for POS orders


Used to set tax locale for POS orders


Used to set tax locale for POS orders


Tax rate to charge for POS orders. Set to your local sales tax rate.


If using the Point of Sale, which state should be used for tax reporting purposes


Used to set tax locale for POS orders


Set to false to turn off the shift tracking system at the POS. If this system is turned off, you cannot run the Daily Audit by Shift, you can only run the audit by date or by register.


Set to true to display a dialog box containing notes for the selected customer (Default=false)


If a POS order is not approved for any reason, show the print options anyway? TRUE=Yes. FALSE=No printing later when the orders are approved.


If true, the system requires that a credit card payment method have a sale (rather than an authorization) run against the card.


When adding line items to a POS order, one or more discounts may be applied causing the price per unit to fall below your cost. If this is set to true, a prompt will appear on screen warning of this, so that you may delete and re-add the item with altered discounts or revise the price of the line item. The actual cost of the item is NOT displayed on screen.


If TRUE, the POS form will include an "Open Cash Drawer" button.


Set to True to display the contents of the Comments field on the POS Invoice


Set to True to display the contents of the Gift Message field on the POS Gift Receipt


Set to True to display the contents of the NoteToCustomer field on the POS Invoice


Set to True to display a barcode for the order number on the invoice.  The System Parameter BarcodeSet must NOT be set to C.


Set to True to display the contents of the Order Instructions field on the POS Invoice


Set to True to display a barcode for each SKU on the invoice


Set to True to display the store credit available to the customer on the POS Invoice


Set to True to allow the use of the ALT Key to access 12 additional functions


Set to True to allow the use of the ALT Key to access 36 additional hot keys


Set to True to allow the use of the Ctrl Key to access 12 additional functions


Set to True to allow the use of the CTRL Key to access 36 additional hot keys


Set to True to allow the use of the Shift Key to access 12 additional functions


Set to True to allow the use of the Shift Key to access 36 additional hot keys


Created: 10/5/11

Revised: 10/17/11

Published: 04/14/16




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