Fulfillment Templates

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Description of the Screen

Fulfillment Templates screen

Select Template Drop-down List

Delete Button

New Button

Save Button

File Type: Section

Comma Delimited Radio Button

Tab Delimited Radio Button

Include Field Names Check Box

Header Template Drop-down List

Insert Header Radio Buttons

Once per File
For each Order

If a Qty Ordered is more than one Radio Buttons

Output one line


Output (Qty Ordered) lines

Fields 1 to 40 Drop-down Lists

Custom Columns Button

Set to Standard Fields Button

Clear All Button

Using the Fulfillment Templates Screen

Go to Main Menu>Settings>Shipping Functions>Fulfillment>Export Templates button.

Create a New Fulfillment Template

  1. To create a new template, click the New button.

  2. Enter a name for the new template when prompted by the program and click OK.

  3. Select the appropriate radio button to indicate which type of text file is created, comma or tab delimited.

  4. To have the field names appear as the column headers in the text file, check the box labeled Include Field Names.

  5. If a header template should be included in the file, select it from the drop-down list and then indicate whether to insert the header once per file or once for each line item.

  6. Click the Set to Standard Fields button to populate Fields 1-40 with the most commonly used fields. The user can change these selections or add custom columns if they wish.

  7. To have a different value than the OMS field name appear as the column header, enter the desired value in the Field Label column of the appropriate field.

  8. Click Save button to retain the layout and properties of the new template.

  9. The template can now be assigned to a fulfillment center.

Change an Existing Fulfillment Template

  1. Choose the fulfillment template from the Select Template drop-down list at the top of the screen to have its properties and field layout displayed.

  2. Make any necessary changes to the template and click the Save button.

Add a Custom Column to a Fulfillment Template

  1. Select one of the forty fields and choose Custom Column from the drop-down list.

  2. To add a value as the column header for this field, type it into the Field Label column of the appropriate row on the Fulfillment Template screen.

  3. To add a constant value in this column for each record in the text file, enter that value after the Field Label, separating the values with a comma.

For example, in the following image, the output text file will include a custom column labeled "AccountNumber" that contains the value "123456" in each row of the text file. Refer to Field 17.

Defining a Header Template in SEOM

It may be necessary for the merchant to provide their account information at the top of each text file that is sent to them. Creating a header template is an ideal way to provide that data.

  1. Go to the Main Menu > Setting > Shipping Functions > Fulfillment>Export Templates.

  2. To create a new template, click New and enter a name for the template when prompted by the program.

  3. The type of file to which the data is exported is controlled by fulfilment center template, not by the header template, so there is no need to change the default selection here.

  1. If the first line of the text file should include the Field Names or Field Labels of the header template in the text file, check the Include Field Names box. When using Custom Columns to insert a row of static data, it is not necessary to include the Field Names or Field Labels in order to have the static data inserted into the file.

  2. The frequency in which the program inserts the header template data into the text file is controlled by the fulfillment template, regardless of the radio button that is selected in the header template.

  1. Map as many of fields as necessary to Custom Column in the Field to Export drop-down list to produce the desired row of header information. For example, map Field 1 to Custom Column. In the Field Label field, enter a label for the custom column, followed by a comma and the static value that should appear in that column. There should not be any spaces in the Field Label or static value.

  2. When all of the settings have been chosen, click Save to retain the header template definition and return to the Fulfillment Center screen.

  3. Select a fulfillment template from the Select Template drop-down list and then select the newly created header template from the Header template drop-down list.

Additional Information

Fulfillment Centers


Created: 6/5/12

Revised: 6/20/12

Published: 04/14/16